
W.Va. running group to host free trail runs at Valley Falls State Park this weekend

Aug. 15—FAIRMONT — Veteran runners and newcomers alike are invited to a day of free trail running at Valley Falls State Park this Saturday, hosted by the West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners.

This weekend's events, the Wild Turkey Trail Runs, will include a 50k, 25k, 10-miler, and 5-miler, all organized for free by the organization.

Finishers will have the opportunities to receive free car stickers and homemade medals as giveaways following the event. Participants must register in advance of the race while space is available.

The event was organized by Morgantown resident Thomas Mauger, who moved from Columbus, Ohio to West Virginia five years ago. Mauger is a regular at Valley Falls, and described the park's location as a "beautiful area."

The event is "designed to get people who maybe haven't done any trail running out there," Mauger said, hence the variety of distance options available.

The West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners is a statewide running group that for 20 years has hosted races, non-competitive runs, and social events that promote running for its health and personal benefits, according to President Adam Casseday.

Casseday said hosting free running events like the Wild Turkey Trail Runs help the organization expand access to trail running, because "there's no financial restrictions for people to participate."

"What's interesting is how wildly popular this event is," he said. "I think it draws a lot of folks from Morgantown, and then the greater Fairmont area; it's easily accessible to people off of I-79."

Mauger is excited to "get people out into the beautiful areas in West Virginia," and help them "experience the camaraderie of trail running."

"West Virginia is one of the most perfect places to enjoy it, because we have all this beautiful terrain and all these great trails," he said.

Through the event, Mauger said he hopes people can "get out, get exercise and meet new people."

"Enjoy the experience together," he said.

Individuals interested in participating in the Wild Turkey Trail Runs can visit the event's webpage to register and learn more.

Reach Jack Walker by email at