
How Twitter reacted to Gator Bowl: Irish side

If a 100-yard pick-six wasn’t going to intimidate Notre Dame in the Gator Bowl, nothing would. After South Carolina’s O’Donnell Fortune picked off a Tyler Buchner pass to tie the score on the aforementioned play, everything looked like it would come apart in the end. Instead, Buchner wrapped up game MVP honors with this 16-yard touchdown pass to Mitchell Evans, giving the Irish a 45-38 they wouldn’t relinquish:

As soon as the Gamecocks turned it over on downs with the help of some dumb penalties on their part, Irish fans were ready to celebrate the program’s first bowl victory in three years. It punctuated a 9-4 season that will serve as a passing grade for Marcus Freeman’s first season at the helm. To end with that and a ranking in the final poll is a good year in anyone’s book. If you don’t believe that, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t, take a look at some of these postgame tweets from Irish fans:

Mike Golic Jr.

Chris Finke

Dick Vitale

David Gabriel

Jake Lynch

Josh Sorensen

Keith Costello

John Bell

Robin Lalisse

Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire