
Trojans Wire reviews Alex Grinch’s defense on national YouTube show

The sky is not falling at USC, but there’s also plenty of reason to be concerned after the first game of the season.

No, it’s not time to panic, but yes, there’s certainly a lot to be worried about on the USC defense.

We have noted that the coaching staff did a really good job of playing lots of players, playing the true freshmen on the roster, and creating a situation in which the coaches could make a lot of evaluations on film while also keeping guys fresh for the full season. The roster management was excellent, and we were very up front in noting that positive development from the San Jose State game. We’re not here to bury this coaching staff.

However: Alex Grinch has not earned the benefit of the doubt as a defensive coordinator the way other elite defensive coaches (Kirby Smart, Brent Venables, Nick Saban, Phil Parker, Mike Elko) have done. That colors and informs our level of trust in his decisions and methods. That forms the backdrop to USC’s defensive performance and our full evaluation of Alex Grinch.

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Story originally appeared on Trojans Wire