
Tomato Fest 4v4 Soccer Tournament roundup

Youth soccer teams flocked to Jacksonville Friday and Saturday for the always-popular Tomato Fest 4v4 Soccer Tournament.

Organizers converted the Historic Tomato Bowl playing surface into six mini soccer fields to accommodate players ranging in age from six to 18 years-old.

The Jacksonville Soccer Association was represented by more than a dozen teams, with participating clubs from Longview, Center, Henderson, Longview, Mount Pleasant and Palestine included in the mix as well.

Tomato Fest 4v4 Soccer Tournament Divisional Champions


U7- (Bracket A) Tyler Soccer Association Little Chelsea

U7- (Bracket B) Disciples Football Club

U9- (Bracket A) Shelby County Youth Soccer-Shelby 15B

U9- (Bracket B) Tyler Soccer Association BOCA Juniors

U10- (Bracket A) Tyler Soccer Association Cobras

U10- (Bracket B) Rose City Football Club-White

U11- (Tie) Mount Pleasant Premier 13B-Medina, Dallas Texans ETEX 13B-Ruiz

U14- FC Dallas ETX-Newpi

U15- Liverpool Football Club

U19- La Vaciado Football Club


U9- FC Dallas FCD ETX-Red

U10- Dream Team

U13- Sting Soccer Club Pierre-Mesniere


U19- San Miguel