
Three sports figures make "Most Hated Men In America" list

No. 10 Jon Gosselin, 71 percent

No. 10 Jon Gosselin: There was a time when this father of eight was a beloved reality star … that was a long time ago! Gosselin now finds himself on this list with a 71 percent dislike rating.

(Getty Images)
No. 9 Eliot Spitzer, 73 percent

No. 9 Eliot Spitzer: Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer received a 73 percent dislike rating. Due to his love of prostitutes and funneling campaign funds, Spitzer has rightfully earned his spot on this list.

No. 4 Conrad Murray, 88 percent

No. 4 Conrad Murray: Michael Jackson’s personal physician was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Giving poor advice to the greatest artist of all time you are going to be hated and it's reflected in Murray’s dislike rating of 88 percent.

No. 2 Bernard Madoff, 90 percent
No. 2 Bernard Madoff: The former stockbroker, investment advisor, and financier earned a 90 percent dislike rating. He was behind the Ponzi scheme considered to be the largest financial fraud in U.S. history. (REUTERS)
No. 1 Donald Sterling, 92 percent

No. 1 Donald Sterling: The former Clippers owner earned a first-class ticket to infamy when he was exposed as a bigot through racist recordings of a phone conversation. Sterling tops the list with a dislike rating of a whopping 92 percent. And when asked to choose from a list of 46 attributes that best describe Sterling, respondents' top picks were creepy (48 percent), mean (41 percent), cold (42 percent) and insincere (29 percent). The demographic showing the greatest disdain for Sterling were males between the ages of 13 and 24, with a 97 percent dislike rating.

Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has been selling excuses, but America isn't buying them. According to a recent consumer survey conducted by E-Score, a leading consumer research service that provides information to media and entertainment companies, Sterling is now the single most disliked living man in America, ranking higher than bad boys such as O.J. Simpson, Bernie Madoff and Phil Spector.

The survey was conducted among 1,100 persons ages 13-49 with general representation across income, age, education and geographic demographics to represent a cross-section of the U.S. population.

Following are the top ten most disliked men in the U.S., followed by the percentage of respondents who indicated a dislike of the particular person:

(List compiled by E-Score)