
'There's so much potential in the club and in the city' - Kraft

Henrik Kraft
[Getty Images]

Southampton chairman Henrik Kraft spoke to BBC Radio Solent before the club's Championship play-off final with Leeds on Sunday: "It's a mixture of excitement and nerves, probably in equal measure. It's been an exciting week, but also a long week in the build up to it.

"This season has been really positive, and you can feel the progress on and off the pitch in the club. It's culminating in a very exciting moment. There's been some amazing highs and lows this season with last-minute winners and last-minute heartbreaks. Overall, it's been a lot of fun.

"There's been huge amounts of change in the organisation, and you can underestimate how difficult it was to go through what we did. Nearly all of the senior leadership, on the football and non-football side, are new or are in new positions. It's been a huge amount of work.

"I think it's really exciting, there's so much potential in the club and in the city. I'm looking forward to all the things we're going to see happening."

On Russell Martin's future: "Him and his whole coaching team have done a great job. They've really galvanised everyone around them and implemented a new playing style. We want to build on this and Russell is very involved with the preparations for next season."

Listen to the full interview here on BBC sounds

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