
Sean McVay FaceTimed Andrew Whitworth’s son before his surgery

Sean McVay and Andrew Whitworth became great friends during their five years together with the Los Angeles Rams, and not just because they’re somewhat close in age; Whitworth is actually 4 years older than his former coach.

And even though they’re no longer on the same team after Whitworth’s retirement this offseason, they remain very close off the field. Not only has Whitworth still hung around the Rams’ facility and their Draft House, but McVay has kept in touch with Whitworth’s family.

Whitworth shared on Instagram Thursday night that his son had to undergo a procedure to relieve discomfort in his hip. Doctors had to drill through his femur for a bone lesion biopsy, which Whitworth called a “scary process.” McVay was there to help the youngster through, FaceTiming him before the surgery – which Whitworth says was his son’s favorite part, and probably his, too.

“His favorite part was Coach Mcvay FaceTiming him before surgery with a positive message!” Whitworth wrote on Instagram. “Prolly my favorite part too! Taking the time to be there for each other in life is what makes brotherhoods strong! Inspired me to make sure I’m paying attention to my people, not just assuming, and there for those around me!”

The Rams truly are like a family, and that’s remained the case for McVay and Whitworth despite Big Whit retiring. Whitworth has said he wants to either get into broadcasting, which he already has, or possibly coach somewhere.

I’m sure McVay would be happy to have Whitworth around to help on his coaching staff at some point.