
Raiders Roundup: All the top stories in one place!


IT’S HERE!! This is the FINAL Oakland Raiders Roundup before the start of the 2016 training camp!! From now on, when you wake up on Friday mornings and check out the roundup to see what you missed, we will be talking about actual, real football. Ok, maybe it’s only football practice but soon, soon we will have real football games!

But of course, there are still a couple more days before training camp and we still have to cover what happened this week. SO, to get you through these final few days before the start of training camp, here’s a look at the top stories from this week:

Media still putting OL high up in the ranks

Team extends CB David Amerson’s contract

CB David Amerson explains how his game improved last season

Check out this training camp preview

Ronnie Lott’s investment group offers 300M for 20% of the team

S Nate Allen holds his first football camp in Florida

San Antonio media thinks the city is a better option than Vegas for Raiders

Quick look at the roster with training camp around the corner

A few tidbits from QB Derek Carr’s interview on The Jim Rome Show

As you all know, rookies report this weekend and veterans next week so we will have actual reports on practices and the team itself coming at you next week. As always, come to cover32 for the best original content and to make sure you never miss a thing that is Silver and Black related.

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