
President Trump picks Patriots to win Super Bowl: 'Have to stick up for your friends'

President Donald Trump is picking the New England Patriots to win the Super Bowl by eight points over “the other team.”

Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly sat down with Trump earlier this week for an interview that aired shortly before the Super Bowl. The majority of the interview focused on Trump’s perspective on Mexico, Iran and Trump’s refugee orders. In the waning moments, though, O’Reilly pressed Trump for his Super Bowl prediction.

“I like [Patriots owner] Bob Kraft, I like Coach [Bill] Belichick. Tom Brady is my friend,” Trump said, continuing a theme in which he claims a connection to several Patriots notables even as they seek to distance themselves from him. Trump added, “They’re taking a lot of heat, but they’re also getting a lot of popularity” for their association with him, neglecting to mention that seven Super Bowls can make a team pretty popular all on its own.

Bill O’Reilly interviews President Donald Trump. (Via screenshot)
Bill O’Reilly interviews President Donald Trump. (Via screenshot)

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As for the Patriots’ opponent? Trump didn’t mention the Atlanta Falcons by name. “I think the other team’s a great team, he turned out to be a great quarterback,” Trump said, referring to newly crowned MVP Matt Ryan. “They’re both fantastic teams.”

In his prediction, Trump took the Patriots by 8.

“Once you’ve done it, there’s a lot less pressure,” he said. “And you have to stick up for your friends, right?”

Via Yahoo Sports
Via Yahoo Sports

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Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports and the author of EARNHARDT NATION, on sale now at Amazon or wherever books are sold. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.