
Pat McAfee praises Notre Dame fans during Ohio State weekend

Notre Dame might not have beaten Ohio State, but Irish fans are winners in Pat McAfee’s eyes. In the first episode of his show after his South Bend experience, McAfee did everything to praise the people who showed up ahead ahead of the contest. He drops some NSFW language here; otherwise, you need to hear what he had to say:

It’s amazing when an outsider confirms what Irish fans already knew about the fan base. Everyone who’s a part of it really does love football, and that’s why it hurt so badly to come so close to watch the Irish miss out on a signature win by the skin of their teeth. It was clear what a win would have meant, but that will have to wait for another day and possibly another season.

Don’t ever let anyone question how seriously Irish fans take their sport. They want a national champion, and hopefully, one will come once again.

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Story originally appeared on Fighting Irish Wire