
One pressing question remains heading into BYU’s season opener

BYU coach Kalani Sitake watches his players during practice in Provo on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023.
BYU coach Kalani Sitake watches his players during practice in Provo on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023. | Scott G Winterton, Deseret News

This article was first published in the Cougar Insiders newsletter. Sign up to receive the newsletter in your inbox each Tuesday night.

BYU will kick off the 2023 season Saturday night against Sam Houston, an up-and-coming FBS program that will be a good test for the Cougars. This Saturday also begins a new era for BYU’s football program as a Power Five program in the Big 12. Here are some of our stories and opinions leading up to this final week of camp:

Cougar Insiders predictions

Question of the week: Has Kelly Poppinga found the answers he sought with BYU’s kicking game, which struggled in spring and early fall practice? And, let’s hear your BYU-Sam Houston game prediction.

Jay Drew: Both Kelly Poppinga and head coach Kalani Sitake have said all the right things about the state of the kicking game this fall and all three kickers vying for the starting job looked shaky in spring practices. In the media viewing portions of practices, those kickers have looked adequate. Of course, practices are nothing like the pressure of a game, and often don’t feature rushers trying to block the kicks.

From accounts I’ve received from observers at the scrimmages and some practices, Boise State transfer Will Ferrin and returned missionary Matthias Dunn have both been fairly accurate. It sounds like Ferrin has won the job, from what Poppinga said Monday on “Coordinators’ Corner.”

Sitake addressed my question about special teams in Monday’s weekly press briefing by saying he’s comfortable with all of it — kickers, holders, long snappers, punt returners, etc. So until proven otherwise, I am going to say the kicking game has come a long way and will be OK this season. Time will tell. Prediction: BYU 38, Sam Houston 28.

Dick Harmon: Remember when BYU really struggled to put Baylor away in Provo because of the kicking game? Well, it is a crucial aspect of a football game. All of it counts, the point after kicks, kickoffs and field goal attempts. This was an issue in the offseason and Sitake and Poppinga have worked hard to fix it. But is it OK?

Ferrin followed Poppinga from Boise State and that move would not have happened if Poppinga didn’t trust Ferrin. Reports from practice sessions and limited media availability show us there is improvement and some consistency. We will have to go with that until we see the kicking game in action under the lights with pressure. Sitake praised Poppinga for his precision and dedication to special team coaching and organization. This is certainly an item to put high on your observation list Saturday. BYU 38, Sam Houston 17.

Cougar Tales

Since BYU lost point guard Ques Glover to Kansas State over NIL money, the Cougars get a mulligan in approaching a top-50 guard who signed with Kansas and Gonzaga and has now opened up his recruiting. Marcus Adams set up a visit to BYU and Mark Pope will have a chance to sell him on his program. Here is how former BYU athletes fared in the recent track and field world championships. Athletic director Tom Holmoe both inspired and informed during his annual appearance at Education Week. BYU women went 3-0 on a trip to Italy as the men returned from a successful excursion through Italy and Croatia with three wins and a loss against professional teams. Women’s soccer improved to 4-0 with a win over Denver.

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Comments from Deseret News readers:

Four-star talent with a five-star work ethic. LJ is legitimately talented and I predict he will be an NFL back one day.

— Befair

I don’t think it can be overstated that BYU’s defense was abysmal last year in stark contrast to previous years when they had double-digit wins. Sitake got rid of the DC responsible for that less than inspiring defensive effort and brought in someone who actually understands that a defense is meant to STOP the other team from scoring. So, even though all those predicting BYU to finish at, or near, the bottom of their first year in the Big 12, I also don’t think it can be understated that this year’s defense will be light years ahead of last years, which it will have to be. But, because of that, BYU just may outperform people’s expectations of them this year. Having said that, though, they’re going to have to show me before I’m a believer.

— 32843

Up Next

  • Aug. 30 | 7 p.m. | Women’s volleyball | Loyola Marymount | @Provo

  • Aug. 31 | 8 p.m. | Women’s volleyball | McNeese | @Provo

  • Aug. 31 | 8 p.m. | Women’s soccer | UCLA | @Provo

  • Sept. 2 | 5 p.m. | Women’s volleyball | UC Davis | @Provo

  • Sept 2 | 7 p.m. | Women’s soccer | 7 p.m.| UVU | @Provo

  • Sept 2 | 8:15 p.m. | Football | Sam Houston | @Provo