
Medina/PB's Allison Thomas accomplishes career-long goal

Nov. 25—MEDINA. N.D. — In the fall of 2015, Allison Thomas watched as her sister, Jordan, was named the Region 3 Volleyball Senior Athlete of the Year.

Since then, she's seen Jordan's face every time she walks into the gym.

"Jordan's name is displayed on a banner in the gym at my school, with the words 'Region 3 Senior Athlete of the Year' beneath her name," Thomas said. "I've been staring at the banner from the start of my high school volleyball career and thinking to myself: 'One day, my name will be up there, too.'"

The now-senior for Medina/Pingree-Buchanan was right.

Two weeks ago, at the conclusion of the 2023 Region 3 volleyball tournament, Thomas was selected as the 2023 Region 3 Senior Athlete of the Year.

On Nov. 21, it was announced that Thomas was also selected to the 2023 Class B All-State second-team. Ann Muggli of Oakes and Edgeley/KM's Tiahna Wald were also selected to the all-state squad.

"I aspired to receive the same kind of recognition that Jordan did," Thomas said of the Region 3 Senior Athlete of the Year honor. "I suppose that means that I've been working for this award since the beginning of my high school career. It was a long-term goal that I so badly wanted to accomplish. Reaching this goal is really validating, and I'm incredibly grateful for this kind of acknowledgment."

While Thomas has received her fair share of awards throughout her high school career — including the Region 3, District 6 Senior Athlete of the Year, she said being recognized as the preeminent senior athlete in the entire region hit her a little differently.

"This award is different from the ones I've received in the past because this one feels like a testament to the years of hard work and dedication I've put in," Thomas said. "Unlike any other award I've received, this one truly makes the battles fought and the countless hours of practicing feel all worth it."

Thomas said the selection process for the Region 3 Senior Athlete begins with an athlete's coach nominating them. After that, the other coaches in the region cast their votes to determine who they believe to be the best player in the region. In addition to their athletic abilities, coaches evaluate the athletes based on a variety of factors, including their sportsmanship, grades, leadership and other attributes.

"Allison is very deserving of this award," Medina/PB head coach Jacie Connell said. "She is very dedicated to this sport and has put so much time into it to make her the best player she can be. Not only has she had an amazing volleyball career, Allison is a leader on and off the court. She is a role model to all the younger athletes coming up. Allison always has a good attitude and also is a great student. I am so extremely proud of her and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her."

Thomas has been a member of the M/PB varsity volleyball team since her seventh-grade year. In her first five seasons with the Thunder, she accounted for 745 kills and 1,649 digs.

Still, Thomas knew that an impressive stat line wouldn't be enough to guarantee her a Senior Athlete of the Year nomination.

"I went into this year knowing that if I wanted to be the Region 3 Senior Athlete of the Year, I was going to have to work harder than ever before," Thomas said. "I knew that several seniors in the region had a strong chance of winning the title of Region 3 Senior Athlete of the Year. There are many outstanding athletes in the region, and I knew that there were a number of seniors who were strong candidates for the award. Being aware of my strong competition motivated me to work harder than ever before and have one of my best seasons to date."

In her senior season, Thomas accounted for 323 kills. Her position as an outside hitter meant she also spent time in the back row during which time she popped up a staggering 614 digs. She dished out 10 assists and made 40 stops at the net. From the back line the senior served up 40 aces.

"It was one of the best seasons yet, if I may say so," Thomas said. "Coming into the season, I could sense the team's determination. Each of us had goals for the team as well as for ourselves. With each practice and game, we were getting better and stronger as a team.

"We just played so well together — everyone played for each other and everyone always brought such incredible energy to the floor," she said. "Every practice and every game, we all gave it our all. Though I sustained a knee injury at the end of the season, it was still one of the best and most fun seasons to date. I will really miss playing with the team and being a part of it."

Thomas injured her knee on Oct. 30, right at the beginning of the Thunder's first game versus Kidder County at the 2023 District 6 Volleyball Tournament. Thomas said she jumped up to hit the ball, and as she came down and landed, she heard a pop.

"I knew right then and there I had torn something," Thomas said. "I quickly got an MRI done and the results showed that I had torn my meniscus. Clearly, this was not a part of the plan. My position as an outside hitter who played all the way around required us to completely switch up our rotations and some of my teammates had to play positions they weren't used to in order to make up for my absence.

"I felt so guilty being out, even though I knew I had no control over my injury," she said. "It was an abrupt event from which the team unfortunately had little time to recover from."

The Thunder lost to Oakes in the first round of the Region 3 Tournament which ultimately brought the season to an end.

"I wish I could've been there to play with my team and help us in reaching our final goals for the season," Thomas said. "I can't complain, though, because the season was still incredibly fun and successful. The unexpected injury didn't take away from the amazing season."

On Nov. 7, Thomas went into surgery with the plan being that she would get a meniscal repair and return to sports in February. Upon hearing this, the senior said she was devastated but she knew it had to be done.

Or so she thought.

"When I came out of surgery, Dr. Dean, my surgeon, spoke with me," Thomas said. "He informed me that, rather than doing a repair, they were able to perform a meniscal debridement. This meant that I didn't have to have my knee sutured and that I could return to sports in December. When I heard this, I couldn't stop grinning. I believe that a miracle took place and feel extremely fortunate."

Thomas is a multi-sport athlete for the Thunder. The senior said she is planning on competing in basketball this winter. She is a five-year varsity team member for the Thunder's basketball squad. Last year, as a junior, Thomas averaged 10.4 points and 3.7 rebounds per game. On defense, the now-senior made 71 steals. She also dished out 26 assists and drained 36 treys.

Looking at next year, Thomas said she is still deciding if she will follow in Jordan's footsteps and pursue playing collegiate-level volleyball or forge her own path and play basketball. Jordan played volleyball for the University of Jamestown from 2016 to 2020.

Whatever she ends up doing, one thing is for certain — she's going to give it 100%.

"As you work towards this goal, you have to remain patient," Thomas said. "The journey can be long, exhausting and difficult, but it will all be worth it in the end.

"I just want to express my gratitude to my teammates, coaches, family, and friends for their unwavering support during my entire volleyball career," she said. "There is no doubt in my mind that I couldn't have accomplished what I have without everyone's support. Even on the days when I wanted to give up, the endless support motivated me to keep going and persevere. I want to say a special thank you to everyone who has supported me; I couldn't have done it without you."

Class B All-State Volleyball Team

First team

Cora Badding, Langdon/AEM

Kelsie Belquist, New Rockford-Sheyenne

Delaney Deschamp, Dickinson Trinity

Rylee Fleck, Flasher

Ava Jahner, Dickinson Trinity

Josie Jensen, Northern Cass

Leah Lindquist, Our Redeemer's

Brenna Martin, Thompson

Ann Muggli, Oakes

Rylee Satrom, May-Port-C-G

Kylie Simpson, Bottineau

Anne Stroklund, Kenmare-Bowbells

Jalynn Swanson, Langdon/AEM

Azjiah Trader, South Praire/Max

Maya Vibeto, Our Redeemer's

Tiahna Wald, Edgeley/KM

Second Team

Allison Thomas, Medina/PB

Shea Barron, Beulah

Savana Fillibeck, Beulah

Danica Hanson, May-Port-C-G

Ellie Lucas, Northern Cass

Caroline Puetz, Wyndmere/Lidgerwood

Chinelo Udekwe, Bishop Ryan

Dedra Wood, Shiloh Christian

NDHSCA POWERade Outstanding Senior Athlete — Kelsie Belquist, New Rockford-Sheyenne

NDHSCA SUBWAY Coach of the Year — Stacy Hanson, Mayville-Portland-Clifford-Galesburg