
Marcus Morris Sr. describes Nick Nurse’s old school style for Sixers

PHILADELPHIA–Philadelphia 76ers coach Nick Nurse has an unorthodox coaching style that he has brought to the City of Brotherly Love. The Sixers have played plenty of different defensive schemes under his watch as well as run a more free-flowing offensive style to get everybody involved.

It has led to an 18-7 start to the season despite guys being in and out of the lineup due to injuries, illnesses, and other issues as Nurse has done a great job of keeping everybody together. Factor in a big trade on Halloween that brought in a handful of new faces and the Sixers are playing very well with Nurse at the helm.

“I like Nick,” said key veteran Marcus Morris Sr. “He was my first coach in the G League when I first got drafted. I think his style is good, man. He allows players to be themself. I like the shootarounds because he plays a lot of music. I’ve definitely played for a lot of coaches and he gives me that old-school style where he likes to practice, likes to be very detail-oriented, and I like it, man. I’m an old-school guy myself. I think we mesh really well.”

Nurse is a guy who wants to make sure his team gets the little things down. He wants to be sure that they get the details right in order to help the Sixers succeed on the floor. They do so on an everyday basis at practice and in shootarounds before games to be sure they are prepared for anything.

“We all have one goal and that’s to win and I think Nick’s coming from a great spot when he wants to practice and wants to watch film,” Morris Sr. added. “I mean, it’s not just to do it so I commend him on that and guys are buying in so I mean, we’re all kind of getting used to it.”

It was initially a tough situation for Morris Sr. who came to the Sixers from the Los Angeles Clippers. The number of practices that Nurse calls for is not always easy to handle, but in order to be prepared to win, they are necessary.

“It’s a little tough because when I was with the Clippers we never practiced.,” he explained. “I had to put my hat on and start to realize that this is different right here. I mean, I like it, man. Like I said, I played for older coaches, Stan Van Gundy (with the Detroit Pistons), where we practiced every single day. So, I mean, I’m used to it.”

Story originally appeared on Sixers Wire