
Manchester United 'shocked' by stabbing of supporter by taxi driver after Champions League win in Paris

United fans celebrate their dramatic Champions League win at the Parce des Princes - AP
United fans celebrate their dramatic Champions League win at the Parce des Princes - AP

Manchester United have expressed their “shock” after a Manchester United supporter was stabbed following his team’s Champions League victory against Paris St-Germain in the French capital on Wednesday.

The 44-year-old man, who has not been named, was reportedly in a taxi and was attacked after the driver pulled over.

Reports suggest the man was stabbed in the chest and was undergoing emergency surgery after being taken to a high dependency unit at the Hopital Europeen Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris.

Sky have claimed the man was with friends in the taxi singing songs when the driver stopped the car and told them to get out. They allege that the United fan tried to protect a female friend he was with but was stabbed with a “large blade”. Reports in France suggest an arrest has been made and a suspect is in custody.

A spokesman for United said: “We were shocked to hear about the incident with one of our fans who was stabbed while in Paris for the Champions League game. Everyone at the club wishes him well during his recovery.”

Diogo Dalot, the United defender, tweeted: “Very disturbing to hear one of our fans was attacked in Paris, hoping he makes a full and quick recovery! Such a shame that these types of acts happen at football matches!”

A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are in touch with the French authorities following an incident involving a British man in Paris on 6 March and stand ready to offer assistance if required.”

The news follows the stabbing last month of a Manchester City supporter who had travelled to Germany to watch his team’s Champions League tie against Schalke.