
Legends, behind Noblet, overwhelm Marion

Jul. 13—LENOIR — It all clicked on Wednesday night for the Lenoir Legends at Walker Stadium.

Drew Noblet hurled a one-hitter through seven innings, Sam Carpenter was extremely sharp in relief and the Legends disposed of the Marion Swamp Foxes 9-1 in Old North State League baseball action .

It was a methodical decision where the Legends established control early and never relinquished control of the outcome in nothing short of an overwhelming performance.

"We kind of plugged along getting runs," Lenoir coach Pete Hardee said. "I thought our starter did a great job tonight. He pounded the strike zone."

The run was unearned and Noblet struck out eight with one walk and a hit batter.

Sam Carpenter closed the final two innings. He fanned the side in the eighth, and closed the ninth in strong fashion in stranding a runner on third base.

"Our defense played good behind (Noblet)," Hardee said. "Brought in the new relief pitcher that we just got, and he looked really good."

The Legends grabbed a 2-0 advantage in the second inning. An error plated a run and Christian Chinen tagged a sacrifice fly.

Lenoir roared to a 6-0 advantage in the fourth. Justin Skewes ripped a run-scoring single,, a passed ball ball plated a score and Tyler Steele delivered a two-run double.

In the fifth, Marion's Christian Riley laid down a sacrifice bunt which plated a run to pull the Foxes within 6-1,

Elec Marvn responded for Lenior by driving in a run in the sixth and the Legends were in control 7-1. The onslaught was completed in the seventh when Max Stucco clubbed a two-run double.

"Pitching was great, defense was good," Hardee said, "and we got enough intensity to get the job done,"

Lenoir second baseman Mike Lewishall batted 3 for 3. Max Stucco was 2 for 3, while Boone Herman was 2 for 5.

The Legends left eight on base, to just four for Marion.

Gerald DePalko, the Foxes' starter, hurled three innings. He was roughed up for six hits and allowed two earned runs while striking out one and walking one with a wild pitch.

Leighton Bust worked three innings of middle relief, yielding one one hit and an earned run with three strikeouts and three walks.

George Gustafson closed the final two innings and was touched for three hits with no earned runs while walking four with a wild pitch.

"Get off to a good start," Hardee said. "Get a lead, hold it. It felt good to get a win, especially at home."

The Legends (7-14) are 11 games back in the Western Division. Marion (9-12) trails leader Hendersonville (19-4) by nine.