
Lee County high schools to take first step toward restarting sports after Hurricane Ian

Game on, sort of.

The Lee County School District will allow fall sports teams to begin conditioning workouts Saturday but district spokesperson Rob Spicker said it's still considering a plan that would permit practices and games to begin next week.

However, all signs point to a full restart next week for schools that choose to do so.

Football teams can gather at their high schools Saturday with their coaches for an hour to participate in activities like stretching and running. They can't run plays or even use footballs but after Hurricane Ian stopped everything for two weeks, even a soft return is welcome news.

"They're excited to get back and see their teammates; it's like a family that hasn't seen each other for two weeks," Fort Myers High School football coach Sam Sirianni Jr. said. "It'll be more about letting them bond and check up on each other. It also sets the table where if everything goes well, we can hopefully start practicing on Monday."

North Fort Myers High's football players will condition at Island Coast since North's facility has not yet been cleared by inspectors. Teams also have the option to hold workouts Sunday as well.

Riverdale athletic director Justin Budmayr said the Raiders' other fall sports are poised to start next week with the Raiders volleyball team scheduled to play at LaBelle Monday night. He said the county shocked the school’s swimming pool Friday to make it useable again.

Football teams are asked to focus on playing district opponents over the last four weeks, even if it means canceling non-district games to accomplish that. District games carry the most weight as far as the playoffs since district champions earn an automatic berth.

Budmayr said Riverdale is lucky to be in the East Zone where Hurricane Ian’s impacts were minimal but said the district is trying to be respectful of the school and athletes hit the hardest. That's left the Lee County Athletic Conference cross county and swim meets set for next Friday and Saturday, respectively, in question. The county wants to make sure all athletes have a fair amount of practice and conditioning before competing

At a Friday afternoon news conference, Lee Superintendent Christopher Bernier announced schools would not reopen next week but said the goal is to "return to an educational environment for our students and teachers on Monday, Oct. 17.

Lee Schools reopening: Is your school ready to reopen after Hurricane Ian? Check here

The plan to resume fall sports seasons next week, crafted by county athletic director Dave LaRosa and presented to Bernier Wednesday, leaves the decision about restarting sports up to each individual school. Some Lee schools, especially those in Cape Coral, suffered serious structural damage to their athletic facilities and have had more students displaced by Hurricane Ian, which may leave some of their fall sports teams shorthanded.

From Thursday: Plan for Lee County high schools to restart sports Monday in hands of superintendent

Lee County: AD Dave LaRosa provides athletics update: no timeline to return in SWFL

Similarly, not every fall sport may be able to start immediately. Bowling, golf, and swimming are impacted by facilities that are either not yet open or damaged. Volleyball could have an easier road to return since the majority of the county's high schools already have or should have electricity by Monday.

Budmayr said he's excited for his athletes that they will be starting again, especially for the seniors who had to deal with two years of COVID-19 and now a massive natural disaster.

“I’m not surprised at all. Dr. (Christopher) Bernier, Dave LaRosa, all those guys have been working day and night and focused on the kids and community," he said. "Athletics plays a huge part of that and they are aware of that and they went above and beyond to be able to do it and do it safely."

Sirianni Jr. said restarting high school sports could help bring a sense of normalcy back to a community that could use a few doses of it.

"It would give the community something to look forward to in what has been such a tough time," he said. "But I think there's also an understanding that at any time, that may not be a feasible situation or other things could take precedence that would possibly change that plan. But I think that's where we headed to."

The News-Press sports editor Ed Reed contributed to this story

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This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Hurricane Ian impact: Lee schools to start conditioning for fall sports teams