
KHS aquatics center postponed indefinitely

Dec. 15—A new swimming pool at Kokomo High School is going to have to wait.

That was the sentiment from Superintendent Mike Sargent following Monday's Kokomo School Board meeting.

Kokomo School Corporation officials have shelved the construction of a new, standalone aquatics center, for the foreseeable future.

Last week, there was a possibility the board could vote on bids for the project, however when Monday rolled around, there was no related agenda item and no action was taken.

Kokomo schools did receive bids, however Sargent said they were significantly higher than what is budgeted for the project.

"The bids came in a couple million higher than last year," he said. "I was not comfortable bringing bids to the board with those prices."

The superintendent said the lowest bid was over budget by between $1.5 million and $2 million.

The budget for the swim facility is about $22 million. That amount is the max the school can spend without raising the tax rate. Sargent has stood firm on not going higher than $22 million.

This is the second time Kokomo schools have solicited bids for the project. Bids came in over budget last November, as well.

Sargent and other school officials had hoped by waiting a year construction costs would come down.

"The feeling we're getting is they're not sure prices are coming down anytime soon," the superintendent said.

Additionally, ongoing construction around the city, including the electric vehicle battery plant, has left contractors in short supply.

The project isn't off the table completely, though it will be sometime before it gets revisited.

Initial plans had the aquatics center as a standalone building on the high school campus, near the Haworth Gym entrance. Also included was a covered entranceway leading from the entrance to the facility.

The new facility will have more swimming lanes, increased spectator seating and a zero-entryway pool, assuming these specs remain when the project is revisited. This is likely, especially with the zero-entryway pool, as it is a priority for Sargent.

The superintendent has been adamant a new pool be accessible to all students.

Sargent said the focus will shift from a new facility to adding life to the current pool.

The pool's age — built in 1967 — is the main driver for a new facility. School officials have told the Tribune the pool is past its lifespan, and its age makes repairs and parts costly.

"Until price realities or other financial opportunities come about, we're going to look at short term," Sargent said.

Sargent said Kokomo schools will talk with its financial advisers about how it can finance an aquatics center in the future years. The school corporation will pay down more debt in the coming years, which could allow for more to be taken on, assuming prices don't come down enough to remain in the $22 million ballpark.

In the meantime, other smaller projects will take priority.

This includes wrapping up entryway work at Central Middle School and adding restrooms to the visitor's side of Walter Cross Field.

Spencer Durham can be reached at 765-454-8598, by email at or on Twitter at @Durham_KT.