
Jones-Drew mum on alleged altercation

JACKSONVILLE -- In his first public appearance Monday since he was involved in an altercation at a local restaurant two weeks ago, Jacksonville Jaguars running back Maurice Jones-Drew refused to offer any insight into the matter.

Jones-Drew continually dodged questions about the incident at the Conch House Restaurant in St. Augustine on May 26 in which he has been accused of throwing a punch at a bouncer at the establishment.

"It's an on-going investigation and I've been advised not to talk about it," Jones-Drew told local media Monday. "It's an unfortunate situation. Throughout my career, I've tried to stay out of the media in that light as a distraction to this team.

"I know the team has been busting their butt the last couple of weeks and I've been doing the same thing in Miami. I've had great communication with coach (Gus) Bradley and with (general manager) Dave (Caldwell) as well. It's an on-going investigation. Once it ends, everything will come out."

Jones-Drew wouldn't say if he has been contacted by the St. Augustine police department or if he has any plans to talk with them. He continually said, "it's a legal matter and I can't talk about it." He has not been charged with anything.

The police department indicated earlier that security footage had been turned over to them. Lawyers who represent the restaurant and Kasim Howard, the bouncer who was struck in the jaw, have said that "it's pretty clear that Jones-Drew sucker-punched him, knocked him to the ground and sent him to the hospital," and called it an "unprovoked attack."

"Mr. Jones-Drew's conduct was deplorable and certainly unbecoming a professional athlete," attorney Gregory Anderson told the Florida Times-Union. "The current attempt by some to characterize this as a 'scuffle' is misleading and unsupported by any evidence."

Anderson is also the attorney for Howard, 31. Anderson said Howard was "viciously attacked and severely injured" and made reference to a dislocated jaw and spinal injuries. The attorney said there is video evidence of Jones-Drew striking Howard.

"He got nailed in the cheek and his face is still swollen and there may be an issue with his neck," Patrick Canan, another attorney working the case, stated last week.

But Jones-Drew's agent, Adisa Bakari, said in an email to the Times-Union that Jones-Drew "was not involved in any verbal or physical altercation whatsoever."

When asked if stood by what his attorney (Hank Coxe) and agent (Bakari) had stated previously, Jones-Drew again side-stepped answering.

"I can't speak on that, it's an on-going investigation. Once it's done, it'll be done. Once it ends, everything will come out," he said.

Jones-Drew said he was disappointed that the incident has been such a distraction, not only to himself and the Jaguars but to his family.

"My kids go to school here and my wife is in town so they hear a bunch of the things, it's an unfortunate incident," he said. "This is a big distraction and I never wanted it to be that. I never wanted to be a distraction to this team period. I just wanted to help this team win games as best I could. I don't want to be a distraction anymore.

"I'm frustrated, yes, not necessarily because of what was said in the media, but because my kids were affected by it more than anything. My children have nothing to do with what went on or what was said."

Jones-Drew led the NFL in rushing in 2011 but missed all but six games in 2012 because of a foot injury. He also refused to say what he discussed with his coach and general manager.

"We've had great communication," he said. "I've talked more with Gus and Dave than any coach or general manager in the offseason than ever before, period. That's a positive. The trust that we've created through this situation is going to work better for everyone in the end."

The Jaguars will conduct a mandatory three-day veterans mini-camp from Tuesday through Thursday. Jones-Drew, who skipped the last two weeks of the team's OTAs to train in Miami, said he will be in attendance. He will not participate in any of the team activities, however, as he continues to rehab from the foot surgery he had last December.

Jones-Drew did indicate that he was making solid progress to be ready for the start of the Jaguars' training camp in July.

"I've lost a couple of pounds, I don't know how much," he said. "I've been able to run, did some full speed cutting on Thursday, pulled some 115-pound sleds on Friday and ran a mile on the beach on Saturday. Things are going in the right path. As long as things are going in the right direction, everything is going to be alright. I can't do anything (Tuesday), I'll have to be on the sidelines.

"My plan is to be ready for training camp. I don't know if I'll be on the field running full speed and making any cuts and movements that I have to do (the first day). I want to be ready to play ball. I don't know if I need preseason carries (to be able to carry the ball 25 times a game during the regular season). That's not up to me, that's up to the coaches. I'll be going back to Miami after mini-camp. I ran this offense in college, same exact offense, a little different terminology. My goal is to come back in great shape."

Jones-Drew was a holdout at this time last year, not reporting until Sept. 3 in an effort to convince the Jaguars to extend a contract he believed to have fallen far below market value. After reporting, the Lisfranc injury ultimately limited him to 86 carries for 414 yards and one rushing touchdown in 2012.

Under his third head coach and second general manager in three seasons, Jones-Drew isn't making any promises or predictions about what lies ahead.

"We're all uncertain," he said.