
Joe Kelly brings more big-game experience to the Chicago White Sox: ‘Nothing is going to scare him’

Joe Kelly once found one of Tony La Russa’s World Series rings.

La Russa wore Kelly’s glove to catch a ceremonial first pitch before a 2018 Boston Red Sox game. Kelly at the time was a Red Sox reliever, while La Russa worked in the club’s front office.

La Russa returned the glove to Kelly, who discovered the ring was still inside it the next day.

“I went to my PR guy and I was like, ‘Hey, I’ve got Tony’s ring. Tell him I want 50 grand or I’m not giving it back,’” Kelly joked Monday.

Kelly hopes to help La Russa earn another ring after signing a two-year, $17 million contract with the Chicago White Sox. The deal includes a club option for 2024.

It was one of two moves the Sox finalized Monday. They also came to terms on a one-year, $3 million deal with right-handed pitcher Vince Velasquez.

Under the terms of Kelly’s agreement, he will receive $7 million in 2022 and $9 million in 2023. The Sox hold a $9.5 million option for 2024 with a $1 million buyout.

In Kelly, the Sox picked up another pitcher with plenty of postseason experience. The right-hander has a 3.55 ERA and 53 strikeouts in 40 postseason games (five starts) and won World Series titles with the 2018 Red Sox and 2020 Los Angeles Dodgers.

Kelly is aiming for more team success with the Sox.

“That’s the major selling point: They want to win here,” Kelly said.

Kelly’s first outing for the Sox might be delayed. General manager Rick Hahn said Kelly is coming off a nerve injury at the end of last season and the Sox don’t expect him to break camp on the active roster.

“It’s 3½ weeks from opening day. He’s going to be built up properly,” Hahn said. “Now, Joe would probably tell you he’s ready. So we are going to err on the side of caution.

“If we had a normal spring, maybe he’d break with us. We’ll have to see how the next several weeks of his build-back goes. We knew that going in, and this was an acquisition for the length of this season and the next couple.”

Kelly, 33, understands the approach.

“It’s one of those things where once you’re good, you’re good,” he said. “You can’t really do much for it. Just let it heal and I’ve been throwing since the beginning of February, right before February. Throwing is not the issue, it’s just not doing anything crazy.

“I’m definitely excited. I want to be throwing as much as I can and be ready to face Eloy (Jiménez) and José (Abreu) and all those guys (in camp). My time will come and I’m super excited.”

Kelly pointed to his familiarity with La Russa and pitchers Lance Lynn and Craig Kimbrel as benefits of the move. Kelly and Lynn were teammates in St. Louis, and he and Kimbrel played together in Boston.

“Joe just brings us a different type of intensity,” Lynn said. “I’ve known Joe for a long time. Joe likes to win, he likes to get after it and that’s what we need.”

La Russa retired before Kelly made his major-league debut with the Cardinals in 2012, but he remembers watching him at spring training in 2011.

“I was saying this to (pitching coach Dave) Duncan, ‘Wow, man,’” La Russa said. “We didn’t know about him. And we found out they were going to send him to the Florida State League, and I said, ‘I want to manage in the Florida State League.’ He was that good-looking.

“And he got to the big leagues shortly thereafter, and they traded him to Boston. And then in Boston, he was a key part of that team in the clubhouse and competing on the field. He’s a heck of an addition.”

Kelly is 50-29 with a 3.83 ERA and 619 strikeouts in 365 games (80 starts) during 10 seasons in the majors with the Cardinals (2012-14), Red Sox (2014-18) and Dodgers (2019-21).

And his postseason experience gives the Sox another big-game boost.

“He has a couple of rings and is used to pitching in high-pressure, high-leverage situations in October,” Hahn said. “Nothing is going to scare him when we get to the point of hopefully being in that position ourselves in the future.

“He’s a real strong clubhouse guy, high energy. You guys have seen clips of his personality from the outside. Every report we have on him has been very strong, and in talking with him (Sunday), he wants the ball as soon as possible and as much as possible. This is us putting a bit of a governor on his progress (with the buildup). Just making sure we do it right.”

Kelly can’t wait to contribute.

“The ultimate goal is to win the World Series,” he said. “If everyone stays healthy and performs how they’re supposed to perform, I think we’re the best team in the AL and whoever matches up and comes out of the NL, it will be a fun run. That’s all you can ask for is to get to the World Series.”