
Ingles Athlete of the Week Feb. 5 - Feb. 11: Asheville School girls basketball's Carmen Perez-Aparicio

Asheville School's Carmen Perez-Aparicio is our Ingles Athlete of the Week.
Asheville School's Carmen Perez-Aparicio is our Ingles Athlete of the Week.

Name: Carmen Perez-Aparicio

School: Asheville School

Sport: Girls basketball

How long have you been playing basketball, and what got you into the sport?

I've been playing basketball for nine years now, which is half my life. I started playing because my sister did and as any little sister would, I saw my sister having fun and wanted to be just like her so I decided to join a team of my own. I ended up loving it and now it's basically my life.

What about the sport do you love so much?

I love that it gives me an outlet for frustrations in my life. It pushes me to get better and it's a way to keep active. What I love overall is the people it has brought to me. I love being part of a team and having other people who are there for me when I do wrong and cheer me on when I do good.

You're from Madrid, Spain. What brought you to Asheville?

I was feeling a little burnt out from basketball in Spain. It seemed like I was hitting the same wall over and over again, so I knew I needed some kind of change. I didn't want to stop loving basketball. I thought, 'Why not?' and I decided to come to the U.S. because the sports culture here, specifically with basketball, is incredible.

You celebrated Senior Night on Wednesday as the team's only senior. What does celebrating with your teammates mean to you?

It's a little lonely, but because I am the only senior, people really connect with that. They made me feel extra special tonight. I just love this team so much and I'm going to miss them so much next year. It's bittersweet.

What else are you involved in besides basketball?

I'm also in drama. I act in the fall and I dance in the spring.

Outside of school, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I read a lot. I hang out with my friends; that's my top activity. I love being with people because I'm an extrovert.

What's your favorite book?

I love "Harry Potter," it's probably what got me into reading. But I love so many books, it's hard to choose.

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Asheville School's Carmen Perez-Aparicio, Ingles Athlete of the Week