
How Brock Lesnar caused Randy Orton to get 10 staples at WWE’s ‘SummerSlam’

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar and his elbows defeated Randy Orton at WWE’s “SummerSlam.” (AP)

Brock Lesnar’s elbows and fists didn’t get the memo that he was competing at “SummerSlam” Sunday night and not at UFC 200.

In the main event of the WWE’s pay-per-view from Brooklyn’s Barclays Center, Lesnar busted open Randy Orton with a series of elbows before winning the match by TKO.

Blood is frowned upon in the WWE as ringside doctors jumped into the ring and treated Orton’s gushing head.

It’s a safe bet to assume the match was scripted to end as a result of the doctors waiving it off. However, there’s no safe way to script this.

How bad was Orton’s injury?

He needed 10 staples to close the laceration, according to the WWE. Not stitches. Staples.

This isn’t the first time Lesnar has busted open someone in a WWE ring.

In his return match to the WWE in 2012 against John Cena, it took Lesnar less than 30 seconds before the referees had to grab the latex gloves and treat a cut on Cena’s head.

And in case you are wondering what Lesnar’s UFC 200 opponent was watching last night …