
Holland's LeFebre sisters share rare bond at top of the tennis lineup

Ahava LeFebre, left, and Libby LeFebre lead the Holland girls tennis team in search of a conference title.
Ahava LeFebre, left, and Libby LeFebre lead the Holland girls tennis team in search of a conference title.

HOLLAND - The LeFebre name has been atop the Holland High School tennis lineup for the past couple of years - and it doesn't look to be going anywhere.

Senior Libby LeFebre is the No. 1 singles player for the Dutch, while her sister, Ahava LeFebre, is the No. 2 player as a freshman.

Siblings in the top two places in the lineup simultaneously is extremely rare.

"Both are fierce competitors who like to impose their will," Holland coach Kyle Kreps said.

The rarity of the feat is not lost on either one of them.

"It means a lot. It really shows how much work we have put in together, and how much our parents and coaches have supported us as well," Libby said.

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It was something Ahava was working toward, even before her freshman year started.

"It is really special to me. I have always admired how good my sister was. I grew up wanting to be as good as her, if not better," Ahava said. "The fact that I have reached a level where I can really play alongside her is really special to me."

Holland's Libby LeFebre returns a shot during the Holland-Holland Christian tennis match on Friday, May 5, 2023, at Holland High School.
Holland's Libby LeFebre returns a shot during the Holland-Holland Christian tennis match on Friday, May 5, 2023, at Holland High School.

Being three years apart, Libby and Ahava are close and competitive.

"It is a good dynamic. It is definitely one of support. We both want each other to do really well. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a little bit of competition there, but it has always been good," Libby said. "It is always super fun playing next to each other.

"We actually don't like playing each other very much, believe it or not. There is some of that unspoken competition, but this year we have embraced it more."

Libby has become one of the tougher players to face in West Michigan, taking steps each year to continue to grow.

"My mental game and the way I approach each match has changed. I obviously want to do well, but in the past it has been really hard losing a match. Each year, I have gotten better looking at it in a different light," Libby said. "I have learned that from my coaches and the people who support me."

"It is always really cool for me watching the highs and lows of her season. I have always admired her grit," Ahava said. "We are both really competitive and get in a mood when things aren't going our way. Seeing her get frustrated and me getting very frustrated sometimes, I have always tried to do what she does when she gets fired up. Libby does a good job of handling her emotions and I have tried to learn that from her."

Holland's Ahava LeFebre returns a shot during the Holland-Holland Christian tennis match on Friday, May 5, 2023, at Holland High School.
Holland's Ahava LeFebre returns a shot during the Holland-Holland Christian tennis match on Friday, May 5, 2023, at Holland High School.

Ahava went from being a good middle school player to a great high school player.

"She is a really strong player. She has a really crazy spin serve that freaks me out. She is always willing to attack and always looking for a ball to take advantage of," Libby said. "I am really excited to see where she goes from here."

For Ahava, it all started with her offseason mentality. She knew she wanted to be No. 2 singles and did everything she could to prove that is where she belonged.

"I spent a lot of time at DeWitt (Tennis Center) and here at Holland for our open hits. My motivation was getting to No. 2 singles behind my sister. That was always in the back of my head," she said. "

On the court, they look to lead Holland to an OK Green Conference championship on Friday at home, and they are doing so in different ways.

"They have different weapons. Ahava wants to end the point and does a good job with that whereas Libby works things around and loves her drop shot. Sometimes you see a little more craftiness, but Ahava can pull that out, too. Both can hit every shot, which has been great for them to push each other and lead the top of our lineup."

Contact sports editor Dan D’Addona at Dan.D’ Follow him on Twitter @DanDAddona or Facebook @HollandSentinelSports.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Holland's LeFebre sisters share rare bond at top of the tennis lineup