
Hillcrest Women's Golf Association hosts week 4 action

May 22—JAMESTOWN — The Hillcrest Women's Golf Association's season continued on Tuesday, May 21 at the Hillcrest Golf Course.

The fourth week of the competition saw seven winners. Lacey Krapp landed a shot closest to the sand trap on the fifth hole without going into the trap, while Audrey Thornton sank her putt from 7 feet, 4 inches away on the ninth hole. Carol Henke had her chip shot on the 18th hole land closest to the pin at 5.5 inches away. Tammy Perleberg had a big day with her second shot on the second hole landing 22 feet, 4 inches away from the pin, the closest of the day on the hole. She also gained two points in the standings thanks to the monthly meeting random draw.

Courtney Cook had the longest drive on the ninth hole and won the mystery game with six, fives in a row. Theresa Haag had the lowest score of the day and won the Hillcrest door prize, while Coralynn Dallman birdied the 13th hole.

The standings are below:

1. Theresa Haag: 10

2. Courtney Cook: 4

3. Evie Burgard: 3

4. Coralynn Dallman: 2

5. Savannah Wiese: 2

6. Kasey Schlafman: 2

7. Kelsey Hust: 2

8. Lacey Krapp: 2

9. Tammy Perleberg: 2

10. Pam Daugs: 1

11. Cheryl Davis: 1

12. Carol Henke: 1

13. Lorrie Pavlicek: 1

14. Jess Pfau: 1

15. Audrey Thornton: 1

16. Annie Wilcox: 1