
IF THE HAT FITS: Springing into action

Mar. 9—It's that time of year again as spring sports are in full swing.

March 1 sees the start of all spring athletics across multiple sports, and teams across the area have been excited to get back to action.

Baseball, slow-pitch softball, soccer, track and field, tennis, and golf have all hit the ground running, and it'll be a mad dash to the end of the semester.

I always enjoy when we get to this point in the year, because it means several things.

It means soaking up some sunshine, fighting against the Oklahoma wind, savoring a ballpark hot dog, bringing out the noisemakers, and getting to enjoy the incredible athletic feats of our area student-athletes.

It also means it's my busiest time of year with so many sports going on. But I sincerely enjoy just getting out and getting to hang out at the ballfields, the tracks, the courts, and the courses, and making that final push to the end of the school year.

Of course, there is some inevitable down time and changing plans on a dime as the Oklahoma spring weather does its thing. The delays, rainouts, and — sometimes, but hopefully not often — having to seek shelter from severe storms can be a little much at times. But even then, we still find ways to come together and have a little fun.

I've spent rain and lightning delays huddled up in dugouts with teams, I've had surprise overnight stays when postponements are made, and I've had the occasional hurried runs to the nearest 'fraidy hole. But that just means I get to chat with coaches, players, and fans, and dig deeper than the box score.

And when it's all said and done, those memories will last just as long as the athletic feats and moments during games. It'll become stories of "remember when...?" as you reconnect with old friends, teammates, parents, and fans. I know for myself, I love to revisit those times when catching up with former student-athletes who I covered and have graduated.

In any case, the next weeks and months are going to simultaneously be a marathon and a mad dash to the finish line. But let's remember to soak it all up. It'll be over before we know it, and it'll be several long summer months before we get back to action.

Good luck to all our area teams! See you all out there!