
Former Duke, Notre Dame athletic director comments on Allen Greene’s departure

Former athletic director Allen Greene’s surprise departure on Friday has already drawn some controversy.

Former Notre Dame and Duke athletic director Kevin White, whom Greene worked under briefly after graduating from Notre Dame, had a few comments on Greene’s departure and the Auburn Tigers as a whole.

In a released statement, White called Greene’s dismissal “terribly disturbing” and “utterly shameful”, as well as claiming Auburn’s athletics department has “legendary” dysfunction. Aside from what he called a “tone deaf” move from the Tigers, White had quite a bit of praise for Green and his family, referring to the former athletic director as “classy”, “talented” and “intellectual.”

It comes as no surprise that White would stick up for someone who worked under him as Greene did, and his sudden departure when some fall sports have already kicked off is bound to raise more eyebrows than White’s. Whether his comments on Auburn’s dysfunction are correct, however, will remain to be seen when the Tigers begin the process of hiring Greene’s replacement in the coming weeks.


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Story originally appeared on Auburn Wire