
Eye on the Eagles: Get to know FGCU softball pitcher Claire Maulding

FGCU's Claire Maulding takes the circle in a game against Washington
FGCU's Claire Maulding takes the circle in a game against Washington

Get to know your Eagles. The Naples Daily News will profile an FGCU athletic program member each week to introduce fans to the players and coaches representing the Blue and Green during the 2024 season.

Claire Maulding is a senior right-handed pitcher for Florida Gulf Coast's softball team. She transferred after two years at Lake Land College, a junior college in Illinois. Maulding was lights out this season, with a 2.96 ERA with 43 strikeouts while allowing 70 hits through 78 innings pitched with an 8-6 record. The Naples Daily News sat down with Maulding to learn more about her.

Question: What made you choose FGCU when going through the transfer process?

Maulding: It's actually a funny story. So my sophomore year at Lake Land, we made it to the national tournament. So that laid a lot of eyes on me and my team. So I had a lot of connections with Division I coaches coming out to like Lake Land, but I actually had my heart set on staying somewhere close at home (Casey, Illinois). I told my parents and my coach at the time that I want to stay close to home, I get very homesick. Well, I got a text from a FGCU coach and my dad was like wanting me to come on a visit and my dad was like 'Oh you have to take it, you have to take it,' and I really didn't want to. It was just the thought of coming here was scary. And my dad was like 'Well at least go on a visit there and see if you like it and you can't say you didn't do it.' And obviously, Florida had an impact, it was just beautiful. And I think I just fell in love with the facilities and the campus, and it was just a place I could see myself succeeding so the rest is history.

Claire Maulding, FGCU softball
Claire Maulding, FGCU softball

What are some challenges you've overcome since getting to campus?

Maulding: I'm super close with my family and I have such great friends at home and I have an older sister, younger brother, that's really the hardest part is just being away from my family. And my first year I struggled a lot more than I do now. I got super lucky with the roommates that I have. They're my best friends and they just make it so much more like home that it makes me feel more comfortable. So really, just my teammates have helped me a lot.

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What are some things you've enjoyed about being a student-athlete at FGCU?

Maulding: I mean, obviously, I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have to continue to play. I think the biggest thing being here, and the difference between here and Lake Land, was I have a lot of people looking up to me, a lot of people look up to Division I athletes. I think that's just such a great feeling. Knowing that, like yes, it is hard and just knowing that not everybody can do it and just having people look up to me and my team, it's just a great feeling.

What advice would you give to incoming Eagles?

Maulding: I think the biggest thing is just staying positive and knowing that you're here for a reason. Obviously, it's challenging a lot of times and you feel like you don't belong here, but you wouldn't be here if you weren't good enough to be. So I think just keep that in mind and staying positive and to keep working for what you've worked for your whole life.

Claire Maulding is a standout pitcher for the FGCU softball team.
Claire Maulding is a standout pitcher for the FGCU softball team.

Do you have any pregame superstitions or rituals?

Maulding: I'm probably the least superstitious person you'll ever meet. I mean, I have a routine that I do like on the mound before I pitch but when it comes to before games I wouldn't really say that there's anything specific that I have to do.

What's been you're favorite class/area of study?

Maulding: My major is management, so I took this one class called professional development and I think out of all of my classes, this class has helped me the most. It helps you build a resume and you do mock interviews in the class and it helps you get connections and be prepared for the world outside of college. So aside from all of my management classes, I've learned so much in them and I think this one has been the most beneficial in helping me be prepared for a job outside of college.

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Do you have a favorite pro athlete or team?

Maulding: So I know she doesn't play anymore, but Jenny Finch - typical pitcher idol. I really look up to her and I know a lot of young girls do, but I think she was a great role model on the field. She obviously has all the accolades of being one of the best but I also really enjoy listening to her and seeing what she's doing now. She was actually at one of my tournaments when I was playing travel, I think it was in California, and she was speaking and just like sharing her insights on the game and giving us advice, and ever since then, I've just kind of fallen in love with her and now I follow her on everything. And I think that what's even more important than performing on the field is giving back to the softball community.

What's your favorite spot to eat near campus?

Maulding: So my favorite is Tacos and Tequila. We don't have that where I'm from, so one of my very first days here, my roommates are like 'Oh, we have to go here like they have the best tacos.' So we went there ever since I've been there, I've almost tried every taco on the menu. I love every single one of them. So it's hard for me to go there and make a decision though.

What's your go-to pregame music?

Maulding: So I'm a big country music girl. So I like listening to country music and although some people might think that doesn't hype you up. It kinda makes me feel at home. Because that's what home is, just a small country town. Every time I come out to the field and they're playing country I'm just like, 'It's gonna be a good day.' I'm more into the new country music.

This article originally appeared on Naples Daily News: Get to know FGCU's Claire Maulding, pitcher for the Eagles softball team