
New Dolphins OL Aaron Brewer shares insane diet he went on to gain 40 pounds in college

College and professional athletes often have to undergo intense training programs to make sure they’re in the best shape to do their job on the field each and every week, but offensive linemen have a different type of challenge.

Those who are responsible for protecting the quarterback and providing lanes for their running backs need to maintain their mass, which can be difficult for a smaller player attempting to make it at a lesser-known program like Texas State.

New Miami Dolphins offensive lineman Aaron Brewer recently shared on “Drive Time with Travis Wingfield” that when he was in college he had to gain 40 pounds in just months to be ready to perform, and his diet to do so was crazy.

“I don’t know if many people know, but In college, I played underweight as well,” Brewer said. “When I first moved to college I was like 220, and so I had to put on about 40 pounds in the summer and got up to about 270… Here’s what they had me doing. I literally, I’d wake up in the morning. I’d eat two PB&Js and drink chocolate milk. I’d go eat breakfast and eat another PB&J and drink a protein shake. I’d finish that and go eat lunch – PB&J and a protein shake. Dinner – PB&J and a protein shake. Before I go to sleep – two more PB&Js and some chocolate milk. And, I was doing this every day. Chugging every day. PB&Js every day. Wake up go to sleep, same thing.”

Luckily, Brewer doesn’t have to go through that type of rigorous diet again to maintain his shape in the NFL, and his athleticism is actually one of the benefits of his smaller frame.

In Miami, he’ll have to continue being quick enough to beat defenders to the spot and also be strong enough to move their oftentimes much bigger bodies out of the way.

Story originally appeared on Dolphins Wire