
A new documentary on cycling star Greg LeMond aims to show you can get through anything

Three-time Tour de France champion Greg LeMond is the subject of a documentary, "The Last Rider," that chronicles the struggles in his life in detail alongside his cycling career.

The documentary debuted at select theatres June 23, including at Regal Pinnacle Complex in Turkey Creek. Even though LeMond was interviewed extensively in the film, there is one thing he made crystal clear when interviewed about it: The California native and Tennessee resident who in 1986 became the first non-European to win cycling's premier event doesn't like talking about himself.

However, his wife Kathy LeMond loves talking about her husband and can perfectly formulate what he means into words. If there was one thing the LeMonds wanted everyone to grasp when watching the documentary, it's that not all athletes have a glorious life.

"It's actually a universal story of overcoming setbacks and traumas," Kathy LeMond said in a phone interview. "I love Greg's story because it's so hopeful and his traumas and setbacks really never changed who he really is on the inside. What I love about it is I think everyone has this story in their life, everyone has had difficulties.

"Sometimes I think that's why people react to the documentary. They see their own situation and how they overcame it and the people that helped them overcome it."

She believes that people who have seen that story feel the waves of emotion that come with it.

"I think that's why when you go to the movie," Kathy LeMond said, "I mean the two times we've been in a movie theater, we've heard people crying during it, so it must touch a chord somewhere with people."

From sexual abuse at a young age to almost losing his life and now his battle with leukemia, Greg LeMond's life has not always been rainbows and butterflies.

It's that way for many athletes. Greg LeMond wanted to ensure that people know that: You never really know what someone is dealing with but know that they can conquer it.

"I've got a really strong belief that you can get over overcome almost any obstacle, but you do need that help and that support," he said in the phone interview, "and we got to believe things will always get better, which they usually do. They never stay the same. That's the beauty."

STORIES ON LEMOND: 'The Comeback' documents life of American cyclist, Oak Ridge business owner Greg LeMond

Greg LeMond, 62, said he couldn't have overcome all he has been through without the people nearest and dearest to him, including Kathy, who has stuck with him through it all.

"You never really do it on your own. You always have a support system," he said. "You have your family, you have a friend, you have somebody that believes in you, and I think it's critical to get overcome a lot of obstacles.

"My wife has been an anchor, but it's not just my wife. Her family, my parents were a great support system, and they were critical to get through these difficult periods."

There have been many obstacles for the pair throughout their relationship, but Kathy's favorite part of the documentary is that it gives the audience the ability to see her and Greg's story.

"We're so lucky to find each other so young and be so compatible," she said. "We are not the same person in any way -- his personality is so different from mine in so many ways -- but in all the fundamental ways we have the same goals.

"After all these years, we've been through a lot of hard things together, not just his cycling career, a lot of hard things and I think that's what it showed. The support of another loving person in your life can really, really be powerful."

The documentary is available in theatres, with Regal Downtown West providing showings.

This article originally appeared on Knoxville News Sentinel: New documentary tells story of Greg LeMond and adversities he overcame