
Dan Lanning talks Bo Nix billboards, recruiting benefits, and Oregon’s prep for Week 1

Wednesday presented the final opportunity for media members to talk to Oregon Ducks head coach Dan Lanning before fall camp ends and the game preparation for Portland State begins.

There were a lot of things to discuss as the Ducks get ready to ramp up to full speed for the season.

Among the most pressing topics was how the recent billboards featuring quarterback Bo Nix’s face going up around the nation — in New York City and Dallas — and how much of an impact that has in the recruiting world. Lanning also discussed the most recent updates from fall camp, highlighted a couple of young players on defense, and gave a preview of what’s to come over the next few days.

Here are the most notable quotes from Lanning’s press conference on Wednesday.:

Opening Statement

Oregon head coach Dan Lanning watches over the Ducks during warm ups ahead of a game against Eastern Washington Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022, at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Ore.

Dan Lanning: A good day practice … removed a little bit of the periods today but we focused on a little bit more of long drive periods. We had some long drive periods in there to kind of test our guys’ endurance and so long drives during season that we wouldn’t be execute on a high level.

Micah Williams progression

Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK
Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK

Question: What have you seen from Micah and how has he come along?

Dan Lanning: I just think it’s a long process when you haven’t played football since you were in high school. So he’s progressing every single day and got to see what it looks like for him long term.

The Billboards

Photo Courtesy of Guy Olsen
Photo Courtesy of Guy Olsen

Q: The billboards with Bo in New York and Dallas, what kind of recruiting chips does that give you on the recruiting trail?

DL: I think the biggest thing that proves is at the University of Oregon, you’re going to have the opportunity to be recognized, you’re going to be seen not just at a local level, but at a global level. I think that speaks just to the quality of the brand, how far it extends and what it means.

Lanning's involvement in the marketing idea

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Q: What was your involvement in the billboard idea?

DL: When it was brought to me, I said that sounds like an awesome opportunity for us to get recognition for our guys. Obviously, Bo has done a phenomenal job and deserves recognition as well as his team. But yeah, for me more than anything, it’s like yeah, that sounds like an awesome opportunity for Oregon to be recognized at the national level.

Bo's reaction

Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports
Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports

Q: What was Bo Nix’s reaction to the billboard?

DL: He was grateful for the opportunity, but on the same note Bo’s focused on Game 1 just like everybody else in our program. He’s focused on what he has to do to perform better but again, I think it leads back to when you come to a place like Oregon, you get an opportunity to be recognized.

Getting in football shape

Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK
Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK

Q: Has the team got closer to being in football shape than they were since Day 1 of Fall camp?

DL: We’re closer now than we were then and we still probably got a little ways to go. That was part of today, doing some of those extended period reps where you’re getting 15-12-15 play. You know, rep counts in one drive and I think that was really important for us to see.

Biggest improvements in camp

Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK
Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK

Q: What has been the biggest improvements in camp?

DL: I think overall as a team, we’re tackling better. Then just really the execution on offense … recognizing and being able to execute plays at a high level, everybody knowing their assignment, the job and still there’s room for improvement in both those areas. But I’d say defensively we’ve tackled a lot better and offensively just executing at a high level.

A very early scouting report on the Vikings

James Snook-USA TODAY Sports
James Snook-USA TODAY Sports

Q: It may be premature, but what are your early thoughts on Portland State from what you’ve seen.

DL: It is a little premature, but one thing you know when you play Game 1, what are you going to see and where were they going to be? Each team is different, especially in college football now, from the last year to the next year. I will say this. I have a lot of respect for their coach and their coaching staff. They’ve been there for a long time. They have some continuity there. There have been some moving parts, but they do a good job and then they do have some explosive players on their team.

Buying into Blake Purchase

AP Photo/Young Kwak
AP Photo/Young Kwak

Q: How has Blake Purchase progressed since he wasn’t here in the spring and it sounds like he’s hit the ground running?

DL: Yeah, first day it’s like he’s trying to figure out where to line up, but when you when you let that guy go, he just got explosive power. He’s got quickness and he’s got a want to be better. And it’s certainly showing up on the field.

Colin Gill's camp so far

Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK
Ben Lonergan/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK

Q: How has freshman corner Colin Gill progressed?

DL: He’s probably working more at Star for us more than anything right now. He had a couple interceptions on Saturday, which is pretty impressive for him. Still, at times he’s got to figure out where he’s supposed to line up but he’s the guy that’s a willing tackler, willing to hit and he’s done a good job when the ball has been thrown his way.

Ready to actually get the season rolling

Photo Courtesy of Ethan Landa
Photo Courtesy of Ethan Landa

Q: How excited are you to get the season going?

DL: Yeah, just touching the grass. We’re ready to hit another team. You know, it’s been a long time going back to the very end of July to right now where you’re playing the same team every single day. There’s some challenges presented when you get to practice against something you haven’t seen every single day or play against something you haven’t seen. So there’s a lot we haven’t seen it when we go out there for another opponent. But part of that but fun and that is preparing for that. What do you think you might see? What do you think might show up? And then how do you prepare for that moment?

Creating a depth chart

AP Photo/Andy Nelson
AP Photo/Andy Nelson

Q: What does the process of creating a depth chart and informing players where they are on that chart?

DL: We don’t spend a lot of time on it. Right now as far as like redshirting, not redshirting, all those things … you get four games, you get the postseason … we want to go with the mentality to go play, right, a guy can go down at any single moment. Any moment at two or three can become a one. So the reality is for us is how many guys can we get ready? Not “okay you’re here, you’re here.” It’s “okay. let’s get you both ready.” And then let’s use you when the opportunity comes. The more players we have who can play at a starters level, the more guys that apply.

Story originally appeared on Ducks Wire