
Corning Jr. Rodeo coming this Saturday

Three young cowgirls will be competing for the title of 2024 Corning Jr. Rodeo Queen during the annual event's 6 p.m. Hospitality Mixer at Estil Clark Park on Friday, May 24. The mixer kicks-off the rodeo, which starts at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 25, also at the park's rodeo grounds located at the eastern end of Fig Lane.

During the Mixer the rodeo queen contestants will compete on horseback before two judges. The winner will then be crowned and presented a brand new saddle, crown, sash and flowers.

The rodeo mixer will also feature the Little Miss Rodeo Pageant, Stick Horse Races, barbecue and Cow-Chip Bingo.

Rodeo competition on May 25, will include top notch rodeo action including mutton bustin', dummy roping, barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, team roping, steer stopping, bull riding, bronc riding, calf riding, tie down roping, and breakaway roping.

“We have a wonderful group of contestants this year and I am sure one of them will make a very fine Corning Jr. Rodeo Queen who will represent Corning throughout the year,” said Kathy Lowe, Corning Jr. Rodeo Queen competition chairwomen. “The girls have done a wonderful job selling tickets for the rodeo this year. I am very proud of them.”

Last year’s queen, Jenna Joe Neilsen said she had a wonderful year representing the Corning Jr. Rodeo and expressed her best wishes to the this year’s contestants.

“I have loved being the rodeo queen and the opportunities it has provided me,” said 15-year-old Neilsen of Cottonwood.

This year's queen contestants are:

• Brooklyn Jean Ross, 14, of Corning and the daughter of Levi and Dannette Ross of Corning.. Ross will be competing on her Quarter Horse, Liberty. Her favorite rodeo event is poles

“My Great-Uncle Darryl Cruise was one of the founders of the Corning Jr. Rodeo, that’s why it means so much to ride in every year,” Ross said.

Along with rodeo she enjoys playing softball, basketball and volleyball. Her future plans include attending UC Davis and becoming a large animal veterinarian. She will be graduating from the eighth-grade at Richfield Elementary School in June.

• Cadence Alexander is the 11-year-old daughter of Jim and Heather Alexander. She lives in Los Molinos where she attends Lassen View Elementary School. Alexander will be competing on her horse, Iggy. She enjoys the competition of pole bending in junior rodeos. Alexander likes cooking, baking and rescuing senior dogs.

“I would like to represent Corning Jr. Rodeo as queen so I can help educate the public about how well cared for rodeo animals are and to show that you can achieve your goals,,” Alexander said.

• Paige Alexander, 12, of Los Molinos is the daughter of Jim and Heather Alexander. She will be competing in the queen contest on her Quarter Horse, Maggie. She loves barrel racing, training horses, playing softball and making dog collars out of vintage leather. She also enjoys practicing trick riding in her free time.

“I would like to become rodeo queen so I can set a good example for other girls and encourage good sportsmanship. I also want to represent my home area and educated the people in the Northstate about rodeo,” Alexander said.

Her future plans include becoming a veterinarian and working at a horse rehabilitation center.