
Connor Bedard is most excited to try this Chicago food staple

Connor Bedard is most excited to try this Chicago food staple originally appeared on NBC Sports Chicago

Now that Connor Bedard is officially a Chicagoan, it’s time to ask the important questions: hot dog or deep dish?

“Probably the pizza,” Bedard said. “I think I hear a lot about the deep dish here, so I’m excited to give that a try.

Bedard is in Chicago for the Blackhawks’ development camp until the end of the week, so he should have plenty of time to grab a slice while he's in town.

The Blackhawks have made a change to their development camp this year, which will be off-ice only and not include any on-ice portion as they've done in the past.

“We’re going to be working really hard in the gym, and then a lot of, kind of, team-bonding and getting to know the city and stuff," Bedard said.

Blackhawks assistant general manager and director of player development Mark Eaton joined the Blackhawks Talk Podcast back in May to explain what the players will get out of their week in Chicago this summer.

"Per the CBA, we only get six or seven days with these guys in the summer and as much as we'd love to get on the ice with them, we feel that the best use of time for that week is to really focus on the other parts of their development, the physical part of their development at this stage in not just their playing careers but their lives," Eaton said. "The physical development is where I think you can make the biggest impact."

Bedard has visited Chicago once before when he was little, but said he doesn’t remember it well and is excited to get to know the city and the fans.

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