
Chiefs’ James Winchester says success hasn’t changed coach Andy Reid one bit

Once upon a time, critics of Andy Reid chided him for not being able to win the Super Bowl.

Three Lombardi trophies later with the Chiefs, and that argument is moot. It’s clear Reid is a lock for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

How good is Reid’s résumé? This is a nice recap from CBS Sports’ Jeff Kerr.

“Reid is the only head coach in NFL history to win 100 games with two different franchises and the only head coach to win 10 playoff games with two different franchises,” Kerr wrote. “He also has taken the Chiefs and Eagles to four consecutive conference championship games, the only coach ever to accomplish the feat for two organizations. He’s the all-time wins leader for the Chiefs and Eagles.“

Those Super Bowl titles haven’t changed Reid. So says Chiefs long-snapper James Winchester.

While on the “Like A Farmer” podcast, Winchester talked about how fortunate he is to play for Reid.

“He’s an incredible leader of men. Watching how he leads a locker room is pretty impressive,” Winchester said. “And, you know, he’s a very disciplinary, ‘we have a way how we’re going to do things and this is just the way it is.’ He’s not about individuals. He’s everything for the team and everything is cohesive and it’s just been impressive. Because from Day One when I got here in 2015 to try to win Super Bowls to now we’re right in the thick of it and we’re having some success, he hasn’t changed a bit.

“He sticks to what he knows. He’s an absolute genius when it comes to X’s and O’s, but he’s just such a good human being. And everyone in that locker room respects him. We’d run through a brick wall and the way he sticks up for his players. And I mean, it’s been such a cool deal for me to get to witness that. And you see why we have the success that we have by having a guy like that, that just can lead these men. It’s been a dream getting to be around coach Reid.”

Winchester was asked which of his teammates display great leadership and he mentioned quarterback Patrick Mahomes and tight end Travis Kelce.

But Winchester praised the entire organization for its focus on winning.

“You’ve got to start with Pat Mahomes and Travis,” Winchester said. “You’ve got two future Hall of Famers and a Hall of Fame coach. I mean, it doesn’t get any better than that. But we have such a great supporting cast. Everybody from the top of the top to the low of the low when it comes to coaches, players. Everyone has a role on the team and everyone takes a lot of pride in what they do, whether it’s special teams, offense, defense, and we’ve got some great players.

“Really good players on offense, defense, and got all the guys coaching them but yeah, it’s it’s pretty incredible. I mean, just overall, there’s so much talent on the team and leadership that it’s no surprise that we have the success that we have. It’s such a cool deal for me to just get to witness that, you know, be in the locker room with these guys every day.”