
The Chicago Bulls are a disaster after making no moves at the trade deadline

Fans of the Chicago Bulls are nonplussed about their favorite ball club making no moves for the third NBA trade deadline in a row, and it is hard to blame them. With suitors ready to fork over valuable draft assets for players like Alex Caruso and Andre Drummond, to make no moves at all to improve the team is near criminal negligence in the eyes of some.

Arturas Karnisovas and Marc Eversley assure us that continuity is the name of the game at the same time we are hearing rumbles that the latter might be decamping to the Charlotte Hornets. Who is in charge of the ship, and why does it look like the plan is to run it aground?

The folks behind the “Sporting Logically” YouTube channel recently weighed in on the Bulls’ (lack of a) trade deadline in a recent video.

To hear what they think about what the Bulls ought to be up to, check out the clip embedded above.

Story originally appeared on Lonzo Wire