
Charlie Morton's sports hernia not getting better

Pirates pitcher Charlie Morton is still feeling the same amount of pain in his groin that he has for three months, and his sports hernia is not getting better, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

"It’s always manageable," Morton said Saturday. "It’s just always there."

Morton will throw a simulated game Tuesday before the team determines whether he can pitch again this season.

"I’m just trying to stay ready in case they say, ‘OK, Charlie’s a good option for us right now,’" Morton said. "I didn’t ask to go on the DL, I didn’t really want to go, but I think it was in the best interests of the team at the time because four out of five starts I made weren’t very good. Cole was coming back and we had four other guys that were doing a good job. So I think at the time, yeah, I think it was the right choice. And I think that’s what we’re just doing, is trying to make the best choice for the team. It’s not about me getting in there."

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