
Cardale Jones is not the future at quarterback for the Buffalo Bills

One of the oddest picks — at least I would call it odd — from last year’s NFL Draft was the Buffalo Bills selection of Cardale Jones. Selected in the fourth round of the draft, the extremely raw prospect came to the Buffalo Bills with athletic ability and not much else. A quarterback in college, Jones was seen as some as the quarterback of the future for the Buffalo Bills.

To me, this is not the case at all. Appearing in only one game for the team last season, Jones put his rawness on display when he came into the team’s Week 17 game at New York. Putting on a poor display, fans and experts were reminded of why a player with so much athletic ability was taken in the fourth round. In truth, he looked to be a poor man’s Tyrod Taylor.


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For a team that already has a player like Tyrod — not that old and still developing — why would we consider Jones as a part of this team’s future? After all, Jones big claim to fame was that he came in and won the Big Ten title, Sugar Bowl and National Title all in his first three starts as a college quarterback. In truth, no one really questioned why Jones was the backup in the first place.

Replaced as Ohio State’s starter midway through the 2015 season, Jones declared for the NFL Draft rather than come back to school and fight again for the starting job. Arriving in Buffalo, it has become even more apparent that Jones was not only behind in his development, but he was only near the range of an average college quarterback.

With the upcoming free agency of Tyrod Taylor, one has to wonder what direction the front office will take this team in come draft time. While the Buffalo Bills could use an upgrade at the quarterback position, the team also needs reinforcements at plenty of other areas. This is also not mentioning the improved starters that are needed on both sides of the football.

Having so many needs, does the quarterback position really rank up there, especially in a draft class that I don’t see being extremely strong? If Tyrod Taylor is not the answer, don’t look to Cardale Jones for the future either.

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