
Buchholz to skip Monday start

Boston Red Sox pitcher Clay Buchholz was scheduled to go after his eighth win on Monday against the Philadelphia Phillies, but he was scratched from that start for precautionary reasons after he felt pain around his right collarbone.

Alfredo Aceves will start in his place on Monday.

Buchholz did not seem too concerned about the problem, according to He expects to get his next start in a few days, so his turn in the rotation will not be skipped entirely.

He said Sunday he slept wrong while holding his daughter last Wednesday, and woke up with some minor pain.

"The night we got back from the road trip, just got in bed and had the little girl with me and I feel asleep like this [with her crooked in his arm] instead of on my back like I usually do," Buchholz said, according to "When I woke up the next morning it felt a little tight. So I came in here and have been getting treatment on it. I could pitch tomorrow if I had to, but I don't have to. So I'll take my time and get it all the way out and pitch in a couple more days."

Buchholz said that if it was September, he would pitch. Buchholz said an X-ray showed no damage, and manager John Farrell said no more tests are necessary.

Buchholz is 7-0 with a 1.73 ERA.