
Brenda Tracy statement on Mel Tucker accusation: 'Outside party' leaked her identity

On Tuesday, the day after Mel Tucker released a lengthy statement through his lawyer proclaiming his innocence after being accused of sexually harassing Brenda Tracy — a survivor and Sexual Violence Prevention Educator who served as a consultant to Tucker and Michigan State, among other schools — Tracy issued a response through her lawyer Karen Truszkowski saying she didn't intend to make the case public.

The statement, issued to media Tuesday afternoon, says an "outside source" leaked Tracy's identity, leading to USA TODAY's investigative report that detailed allegations against Tucker. After the story was published, Tucker was suspended by the school.

The statement reads:

An outside party disclosed Brenda Tracy's identity to local media, which led to the USA Today story.

Brenda Tracy had no intention of publicly disclosing her identity. She was and continues to be committed to complying with and concluding the MSU internal investigative process. She respected the process and chose not to go to the media to preserve the integrity of the process.

After the investigation process was completed, we would have determined, what, if any further steps to take. Instead, her identity was disclosed without her knowledge or consent, warranting express actions to protect her. Her choice to allow this process to proceed privately was taken away.

Let me be patently clear: Brenda Tracy had no intention of disclosing anything publicly until someone else violated her right to confidentiality.

Karen Truszkowski

Attorney for Brenda Tracy

BACKGROUND: Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker accused of sexually harassing rape survivor

Later Tuesday evening, Tracy issued another statement on social media to "offer some context and background." In that statement, she said "the behavior and statements made by Coach Tucker and his lawyer Jennifer Belveal made it very evident to me that I was going to need to defend and protect myself."

"I voluntarily shared documents with USA TODAY so that my story could be written and published after the conclusion of the school process, but also just in case my name leaked — which it did. I did not want to publish my story in the early morning hours last weekend, but I had no choice because someone outed me to the media."

Tracy did not share who leaked her name or to whom.

"I am angry that my right to confidentiality has been violated and I hope that those responsible are held accountable. It is unacceptable that survivors must endure continued violations of our agency and autonomy in an attempt to seek justice and accountability for the harm done to us."

Tracy responded to Tucker's statement herself on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Tuesday.

Tucker's suspension is without pay as the investigation into the allegations against him continues.

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Brenda Tracy statement: Mel Tucker accusation came after identity leak