
Bob Huggins has a 'Huggie Bear' cartoon in his likeness

About the only surprising aspect of West Virginia coach Bob Huggins selling a line of "Huggie Bear" goods in his likeness is that somebody didn't think of it sooner.

The Huggie Bear mugs, T-shirts and baskets are the brainchild of Huggins' sister Debbie Bradford and artist Jeff Moores, who attended West Virginia before transferring to an art school in New York. Proceeds from the sale of the merchandise will go to the cancer endowment named for Huggins' late mother Norma Mae, who died of colon cancer more than seven years ago.

"I drew Huggie Bear, a bear in Coach Huggins' likeness, and he liked the idea only if we donated the proceeds to his mom's charity," Moores told the Coshocton Tribune. "I'm excited and understanding of giving to charities. It means a lot to help out, especially with a cancer fund; my aunt, uncle and dad have had bouts with cancer. I got in touch with the hospital, and last spring, I met with Debbie who helped out with ideas and the design. We're slowly putting together ideas. We're just getting started."

The Huggie Bear merchandise is the latest in a series of ideas Huggins has supported to raise money for cancer research. He began selling the Hug-A-Bear stuffed bear for $38.99 last season and endured a flurry of barbs and jokes at his expense at a celebrity roast in his honor last month.

The goal of Huggins' fundraising efforts is a lofty one.

"We're using the motto 'Our mom was one in a million, so let's raise $1 million to help fight cancer,'" Bradford told the Tribune.

(Thanks, College Basketball Nation)