
Baker Mayfield has a ‘need’ Browns fans for Steelers game

The Cleveland Browns have made it clear that today’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers is a very important one. Earlier in the week, Jarvis Landry noted that he be playing in the game, one he believed was close to a ‘must-win.’

At 4 – 3, the Browns are not where they expected to be this far into the season. Cleveland had expectations after a playoff appearance in 2020 and a great offseason. Injuries and a couple of close losses have kept them from meeting those expectations early in the season.

Thankfully, the AFC North, and AFC as a whole, hasn’t had overwhelming success either this season. Despite their struggles, the Browns are just one game out of the division and conference lead.

That, along with the fact that the loser of today’s Browns versus Steelers matchup will be in last place in the AFC North, is why QB Baker Mayfield sent out a tweet imploring fans for today:

First Energy Stadium has had some very loud fans this year but the leader of the offense needs more. While some doubt his upside at the position, no one can ever wonder if Mayfield is giving his all. He wants the same from the fans today.

His final note is important. There have been times that the home crowd has been too loud while the offense is on the field. Perhaps not used to rooting for a good team, the crowd hasn’t always figured out the right time to be loud.

It is simple: When the Browns are in their huddle and at the line of scrimmage getting ready to hike the ball, quiet. At all other times, Mayfield wants to hear the loudest crowd he’s ever heard.

With fans of the Cleveland Browns, there is never a doubt that they will respond especially on Halloween and especially against the Pittsburgh Steelers.