
Athens Parks and Rec reminds residents of facility guidelines

Mar. 28—As spring blooms in Athens, more visitors will be taking advantage of the facilities provided by Athens Parks & Rec to connect with each other and get outside.

These services range from pools to pavilions available for rental to always accessible public parks. To keep these areas a safe space for all to coexist, the department has a few guidelines.


Rent facilities. Athens Parks and Rec provides five rental options: Athens municipal pool, recreation center, meeting rooms, Wavaho field and the Sportsplex. In 2023, the pool could be rented for $100/hour with a minimum of two hours, and pavilion rates were $30/day (plus $25 for a kitchenette).

Visit the pool. The municipal pool usually opens at the end of May, and admission can be paid the day of the visit or via a pass. In 2023, passes were $60.

Walk a trail. Athens has four walking paths: Athens Sportsplex Track (1.2 miles), Athens Greenway Trail (2.3 miles), Athens Recreation Center Track (1.53 miles) and Robert Allen Tinnon Park (5th Ave) Track (0.4 miles).

Leave on time. Athens municipal pool is open from 12-5 p.m., unless rented or special events change those hours. Athens city parks are open from 8 a.m.-10 p.m., and pavilion rentals do not impact park accessibility.


Let pets wander off-leash. Pets are welcome in Athens's public parks, trails and facilities, but they must be kept on leashes. Animals are not allowed at the municipal pool.

Misuse facilities. Wavaho field is to be used by reservation only, and all facilities are not to be used in ways other than approved by Athens Parks and Rec. Skateboards and bicycles are not to be used in the parks or on Wavaho field.

Create an unsafe space. There is no alcohol or smoking permitted in any Athens Parks and Rec park or pool. Littering, loitering, vulgarity and lewd or inappropriate conduct are prohibited. Pool play must be safe — including splashing, diving and running.

For more information and to view the full list of rules and regulations, visit