
Already a lifetime of sports stories, Susan Crosslund isn't about to slow down

Considering the era in which she was born, the athletic career Susan Crosslund has stacked up could be surprising. Then again, after hearing her family stories of upbringing, academic success and military service, the long list of accomplishments that now includes national prominence in pickleball sounds about normal for the Tracyton resident.

Susan Crosslund grew up in Central Washington riding horses and playing tennis, moved on to master golf and skiing, and now is making her mark in pickleball.
Susan Crosslund grew up in Central Washington riding horses and playing tennis, moved on to master golf and skiing, and now is making her mark in pickleball.

Born Susan Stovall in Yakima and raised on a feed farm in Toppenish where one of the “joys” of being tall – 5-foot-10 – was the requirement of jumping into a sack of fleeced sheep wool to pack it down.

Put that on your resume.

“My mother would check me for ticks at night,” says Crossland.

The farm also had horses and Crossland rode them all through the Yakima Valley, in parades, and played polo on them using a broom stick with a big ball.

“It was just kids being kids and having fun,” she says.

A naturally gifted athlete with incredible hand-eye coordination, Crossland had few opportunities to use the athletic skills her older brother — Dale Stovall — was quick to tell visitors made her the best athlete in the family of three children, which also included Maxine, 10 years older than Dale, who is six years older than Susan, all of whom are redheads.

Dale became an All-American in the 440-yard dash and ran a 46.8 leg on the Air Force indoor mile relay team that held the academy record for 42 years. Yet big brother insists he takes a back seat to Susan.

“I was competitive, but not to the degree she is,” says Dale, who lives in Missoula, Montana.

Because Title IX was not signed into law until 1972, four years after Susan graduated from Toppenish, she didn’t have formal teams to showcase her tremendous athletic ability. But she did play enough tennis at Toppenish to learn the game, and at Washington State found a place she could show her talent.

“I loved tennis and really hoped I would do well … until I ran up against girls from California,” Crossland says, of tennis played on the third floor of Bohler gym at WSU.

Tennis time was limited for Crossland because of the work involved with pharmacy school (it helped that she graduated sixth in her class at Toppenish), but she still managed to be captain of the WSU team as a sophomore.

Once graduated she was guided by her brother to try the Air Force. Dale had graduated top of his class from the Air Force Academy and to this day holds the honor of being the fourth most highly decorated student ever at the academy. There is a bronze plaque at the academy saying so.

Stovall went on to serve 31 years in the Air Force (1962-93) and became legendary for his rescue in 1972 of Capt. Roger Locher, whose plane was shot down deep in North Vietnam. Locher survived 23 days before Stovall, flying a helicopter through dangerous enemy fire and rough terrain, pulled him out and earned the Air Force Cross for his bravery.

“My mother would send my brother cookies every week so he would have enough food for 30 days,” says Crossland. “When my brother picked Locher up he told him, 'I got some of mom’s cookies would you like some?'

“Locher grabbed the whole can and devoured all of them.”

Dale Stovall said Locher actually stuffed all the cookies in his pockets because he feared they would be shot down (a MIG Jet Fighter made several passes at them) and he didn’t want to be hungry again.

Stovall also was given the Jabara Award for Airmanship, two Silver Stars and two Distinguished Flying Cross awards for other rescues, three in North Vietnam and nine in Laos. He retired as a Brigadier General.

Commissioned as an Air Force lieutenant, Crossland spent a year in Osan, South Korea, tending to soldiers in a 30-bed hospital.

“It was a very unique experience,” says Crossland. “South Korea was under martial law and if you were caught outside the Air Force gate after midnight you would either be arrested or, thinking you were a North Korean spy, they would shoot you.”

Once out of the service, Crossland quickly dove into what she had been educated for and became a pharmacist. She has been one the past 48 years, although she is semi-retired and only works when she wants to at St. Michael’s in Silverdale.

Crossland is big into healthy pursuits and began running 10ks and competing in triathlons.

As part of her health passion, Crossland belonged to a tennis club and golf club. She was the first married woman to have a membership at Yakima Golf Club and became the first married woman and the second woman to be on the board of the club, and with a friend successfully pushed the board to increase playing times for women on the course.

One of her golfing partners at Yakima was Trudi Inslee, wife of Washington State governor Jay Inslee, who had been Yakima City Golf Champion.

Crossland used to ride her bike from her residence in Terrace Heights in Yakima to work, and would stop four or five days a week to hit golf balls on the club’s range. She eventually got her handicap down to a seven (it is now 18).

She won a PNGA senior women’s doubles best ball tournament and was once low net of the State Women’s Association Tournament.

Being active and ready for the next challenge fits Crossland to a tee. She is not comfortable being comfortable. In 1990 her husband, David, quit practicing law in Yakima and she left her pharmacy position to sell Starbucks coffee from a ski cart — Suzy’s Cart — at Sun Valley.

“We rented out our house and went skiing," says Crossland.

People didn’t think she could do it. They thought she was nuts. It was tough to make a living at Sun Valley, but when she moved two carts to Snowbird, Utah, things began to perk financially. Snowbird attracts skiers from all over the world and it became a good investment.

“Snowbird is a long way from anywhere,” says Crossland. “There are five ski resorts there, Salt Lake is there and Park City is just over the hills. Ultimately I had three espresso areas and 14 employees working seven days a week for 181 days a year and we earned a six-figure income.”

Suzy’s Cart began taking away business from the man who held the ski resort rights, so Crossland and her husband had to say goodbye and return to real life.

“I go back to pharmacy and Dad has to go back to law,” say Crossland. “We were having too much fun.”

That’s when pickleball jumped into the picture. She was working on her bike skills for triathlons and went past a tennis court and heard the “whack, whack, whack.”

“What was this?” she wondered.


”We decide to go to a Pickleball clinic to learn all about the sport,” Crossland says. “I call my brother and tell him I’m going to win a gold medal in pickleball national singles tournament.

“He says, ‘As far as I know you have never played pickleball.’

“I say, ‘Okay, I will learn.’”

And learned she has.

She is now a 3.0 skilled player and hopes to move up to 3.5 in the 70-74 age bracket. She has won numerous gold medals, including national doubles in 2019 at Indian Wells, Calif., women's doubles and mixed doubles in the Hawaiian Open, singles at the Southwest Regional at Texas A&M, women’s doubles at Mountain Regional in Las Vegas (2021), women’s doubles in the Founders Tournament on Bainbridge Island, and in singles and women’s doubles at West Regional in Fountain Valley, Calif.

Susan Crosslund, left, and her regular pickleball partner, Theresa Haynie of Seattle will compete in a national pickleball tournament in California the second week of December.
Susan Crosslund, left, and her regular pickleball partner, Theresa Haynie of Seattle will compete in a national pickleball tournament in California the second week of December.

Crossland will next compete Dec. 12-14 in nationals at Tennis Gardens at Indian Wells. She and her partner, Theresa Haynie of Seattle, will play in the women’s doubles on Dec. 12; she will be in mixed doubles at the 3.5 skill level with Sergy Kilorin on Dec. 13 and the next day will go for gold in singles.

The Crosslands got to Kitsap County through family David Crossland’s parents, who had the first cabin on Miami Beach in the 1940s. When they couldn’t afford the taxes Susan and David purchased it for their summer residence. The cabin got washed out in a violent storm and they then built a home on Hood Canal. In 2014 they moved into a house in Tracyton that is their permanent residence.

When Crossland is in Tracyton, weather permitting, she bikes 4.2 miles to the hospital in Silverdale to work as a pharmacist.

“It’s a gorgeous ride along Tracyton Beach Drive,” she says enthusiastically.

All of this is enough to make your head spin. But it’s her life and, darn it, she is going to live it her way.

“If you rest, you rust,” she says. “You have to keep moving. I try not to (rust). I have too much fun.”

Terry Mosher is a longtime Sun sportswriter who specializes in columns about local sports personalities. Contact him at

This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: Susan Crosslund's latest sporting challenge is pickleball