
'Absolutely brilliant end to a great season'

Your views

We asked for your thoughts after Celtic defeated St Mirren on trophy day at Celtic Park.

Here’s what you had to say:

Gordon: Absolutely brilliant end to a great season.

Peter C: Eight points is a fair reflection of the difference between the two teams at the moment. Getting key players back for run-in was vital. Many of the squad players not near good enough for first team. If we want to hold on to the manager, the board must provide the money to buy quality rather than quantity.

Eamon: The best team in Scotland deservedly won the league. Thankfully Rangers were very poor and we got the job done. Next season requires a rebuild with a goalkeeper, centre half and replacement midfielder for O'Riley necessary. Give Rodgers the money he needs to bring in real quality.

Pete: Celtic were very dominant during the game, and always looked to win. We are Champions again. We just have to play Rangers in the Scottish Cup. I will certainly watch that game.

Kev: Job done. Came good at the right time. Agree with comments regarding fringe players not being good enough. Let's hope lessons are learned regarding failing in Champions League and money is made available to try to attract proven quality signing.

Peter K: Job done. Another special from Kyogo, what a star. It was an anxious display as the players felt is was so important to the supporters to get the right result. Well done everybody at the club and get the job completed next week. Thank you one and all from an ancient supporter.