
Aaron Rodgers compares Jordan Love situation to sitting behind Brett Favre: 'Tracks are looking more similar'

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers can see some similarities between his situation with Brett Favre and Jordan Love's current situation with the Packers. Rodgers addressed Love's journey in the NFL, saying he can see the progress Love has made while waiting for a starting opportunity.

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Rodgers was asked whether Love has received as much criticism as Rodgers when he was stuck behind Favre on the depth chart. Rodgers said he wasn't sure, and then provided some insight into how Love has grown the past couple seasons.

Rodgers' answer read:

"I think there's always pressure on a first-round pick. The tracks are looking more similar by the day, [Love] being in his third year and me waiting behind Brett for three years. Something clicks in at some point and the game slows down and you make the plays you know you are capable of making and I look forward to watching him on Friday. And against the Saints, as well.

"But the most important thing for a quarterback is the confidence and the confidence comes from the consistency and the fundamentals and making plays in practice and feeling good about the offense and all the things that are expected of you.

"I think all of us come along at our own pace. I needed the years to get to where I was at. Whether the criticism was equal in '05, '06 and '07 for me as it was for him, I don't know. Some of that you kinda move past as you've had success. But I'm excited for him this preseason. Think he's had a really nice camp. Made some good throws. More consistent with his fundamentals. And I hope he goes out and balls out."

The similarities are there and hearing Rodgers address them is important considering his frustrations with sitting behind Favre. Obviously, things worked out for Rodgers. He proved his excellence immediately after being trust into the starting lineup and hasn't looked back.

Jordan Love still working for starting spot

Love may have to wait even longer to get his shot. It was believed Love would step into the starting role if the team traded Rodgers in the offseason. When that didn't happen, and Rodgers signed a new five-year contract, it was thought maybe Love would get traded to a team in need of a starter.

Instead, Love stayed with the Packers and is set to backup Rodgers for yet another season. If Love's journey parallels Rodgers' early years, Love would take over as the Packers' starter next season. That's not going to happen barring major regression or an injury to Rodgers.

If Love is going to assume a starting role, he's probably going to have to go to another team. Playing well in the preseason could lead to a deal, and that's probably in the best interest of both sides at this point.

Aaron Rodgers and Jordan Love with the Packers.
Aaron Rodgers sees improvement from Jordan Love. (Photo by Rey Del Rio/Getty Images)