
Moshi Monsters: Coming to a smartphone (or tablet) near you

Dustbin Beaver
Dustbin Beaver

Your love of Dustbin Beaver knows no bounds, we know. It's followed you from the browser on your PC to your Nintendo DS, and soon enough it will find its way into the supercomputer in your pocket. UK-based Moshi Monsters creator Mind Candy has announced a partnership with Japanese mobile social game network GREE to bring its hit franchise to smartphones and tablets.

Gamasutra reports that Mind Candy has agreed to create two different Moshi Monsters games for the GREE platform, which is expected to go global before the summer. These two new mobile games are slated for release in the fourth quarter of 2012--in other words, winter.

Like any good globally-released game should, these Moshi Monsters game will be available in English, French, Japanese and Mandarin among other languages. GREE has signed a number of different launch partners for its upcoming global expansion, and has even opened its own U.S.-based game studio. But GREE has the power of the Beaver now, and what's to stop that?

Are you excited to see two new Moshi Monster games by year's end? What do you hope the games will be like? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.