
Puck Daddy Create-an-NHL-Ornament Contest: The Winners

It really wouldn't be a proper Puck Daddy Reader Art contest without at least one bit of genius from Dave Cicirelli. And there it is …

The Puck Daddy Create an NHL Ornament Contest was a great bit of fun, and we appreciate everyone who entered. There are four winners and one big winner who will get a chance to select from a prizes that include Winter Classic swag, hockey books and DVDs.

The winners:

• Jon Cable for the Anisimov Candy Cane Sniper.

• Dirty Dangle for the Darren Puppa glove.

• Sylvia Do for the Jamie McGinn Paper Doll set.

And the big winner:

• Katie Stine, who created the Shanaban gift set and the accompanying video.

Congrats to all.

Gallery One and Gallery Two covered most of the entries, but you can see them all here. If any images failed to upload, let us know and we'll add them. (By the way: You'll see some rather hilarious concussion-related ones in this gallery. Maybe it's the current epidemic or holiday schmaltz, but we didn't give them the same kind of play as others. Yes, it's the wussification of reader art contests. Whatevs.)

Thanks again, and happy holidays.