
Mad Dash: Paul Pierce doesn't want teammates wearing LeBron's shoes

Paul Pierce doesn't like LeBron James, and we've been witness to it over many years of NBA Eastern Conference clashes. But we didn't know how deep the animosity ran until we heard an anecdote from Pierce's time in Washington. When asked what he learned from his former teammate, Marcin Gortat replied, "Not to wear LeBron James's shoes." So now, of course, we'll be watching every Clippers game trying to find a new teammate who dares cross that line. 

Speaking of James, it may not come as much of a surprise, but his offseason workout is ridiculous. During his Monday press conference, James revealed that he's been working out three times per day, five days per week during the month of September. A workout that would land us in the hospital. 

Finally, George Hill was tired of his teammates not believing he was going to dramatically change his hairstyle this season, so he went extreme. Hill showed up to the team's facilities with bright blonde hair, and he says he's keeping it, just to spite them. Well, that and something about being a sex symbol now. We tried to zone out on some of his explanation. Blame the reflection of the lights off of his hair. 

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