
Mad Dash: Kentucky wants "40-0" shirtmaker to stop

It seems like since December, the phrase "40-0" has been associated with Kentucky basketball. The Wildcats have been on an improbable run since then, and are now just two wins away from achieving that elusive goal. If you want a blue and white "40-0" shirt to commemorate this fleeting moment, you can do that at That's the website owned and operated by David Son, a Louisville lawyer who has trademarked the phrase "40-0" and has been selling the shirts since 2013. None of that holds water with Kentucky, which is locked in a legal battle with Son over his selling of the shirts. According to ESPN, the university says the shirts are one of many third party products "attempting to capitalize on the historic season of the University of Kentucky men’s basketball team." Nevermind that the team is just 38-0 right now, of course. Regardless of who's right in this squabble, it's fair to say it makes it easier for the rest of us to root for Wisconsin on Saturday. 

It's safe to say we can all agree that bandwagon fans in America love the Yankees. To be fair, it's hard for the average fan with no loyalties not to be mesmerized by the pinstripes and the 27 titles won by the guys wearing them. But just in case you needed further proof that the Bronx Bombers are a hit in plenty of other places in the U.S., Facebook has a map to prove it. The saddest part of the map, though, has to be the fact that the Athletics and Mets don't even register in popularity thanks to the dominance of the Giants and Yankees in the same areas.

Few things excite us like a well choreographed sports celebration. Lokomotiv's junior team won a playoff series and promptly found a way into our hearts with a human domino celebration. It brought back memories of other celebrations we loved, and continues to raise the bar on originality. Here's hoping something this awesome happens in the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year.

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