
High school trick shot artists nail Ohio Stadium shot

Remember when John Jones and his crew of Olentangy (Ohio) Orange High trick shot artists connected on a series of different golf club trick basketball shots? Well, now the prep trio has taken their act to a different level ... or at least a much higher row.

As you can see above, the high school trick shot purveyors set up and connected on a shot from the top of Ohio State's Ohio Stadium. According to Jones, the teen who hit the shot was A.J. Nagel, one of Jones' fellow Orange seniors, and the same man who competed in this epic game of P-I-G in fall 2010.

And before anyone asks, no, they didn't hit the shot on the first attempt. It reportedly took approximately 80 shots for Nagel to connect from the top row.

Does the Jones gang have more stadium shot antics in its future? Who knows. Columbus Crew Stadium is also nearby, and they could always try a roadtrip to Cincinnati or Cleveland for pro stadiums. In the meantime, they'll have their Ohio Stadium shot to compare with Dude Perfect -- they were the first group to hit a shot in a major stadium -- and the other trick shot groups who have turned the art form into a cause celebre.

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