
Playing consistent golf, D. Johnson aims to carry form to Masters

Dustin Johnson is getting closer.

In each of his last three starts, Johnson has improved his finish, from a T-14 in a title defense at Doral, to a Round of 16 exit at the WGC-Dell Match Play, to a third-place finish last week in Houston.

Johnson could kill two birds with one Tour Preferred this week if he could win his first major at Augusta National.

A year ago, Johnson enjoyed his best Masters finish, a tie for sixth, which is his only top-10 finish in six Masters appearances. Perhaps it took Johnson some seasoning to figure out a game plan that works for Augusta National.

“Last year I felt like I played a little bit better around here," Johnson said Monday. "This golf course is one of those courses where all parts of your game need to be working. This year, I feel like I'm coming in with a pretty solid game. I feel like every part of my game is improving.”

Over the last two seasons, Johnson has played the most consistent golf of his career. However, there's still the Big If: Can Johnson overcome the scar tissue of so many close calls in majors, including the 72nd-hole three-putt that cost him the U.S. Open?

We'll only know that if he dons a green jacket on Sunday.

Ryan Ballengee is a Yahoo Sports contributor. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.

LISTEN TO OUR WEEKLY GOLF PODCAST! This week: Prepping for a trio of majors, including the Masters and ANA Inspiration