
Devil Ball Golfcast, episode 59: Of Kapalua, Pebble and naked golfers

We're back with a new season of golf and a new season of Devil Ball's Golfcast, and we begin, as all good things do, with nudity. We discuss the whole alleged-naked-golfer story in painful, often cringe-inducing detail. But before that, we kick around the start of the season in Kapalua, as well as a visit to Pebble Beach and some quick discussion on whether Dustin Johnson is the real deal. (We say yes.)

As always, I'm joined by Shane Bacon, writer here and at Dogs That Chase Cars. (Follow Shane on Twitter right here, and while you're there, follow me too.)

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and recommendations on the podcast. Hit me up at And if you've got a question or comment for us to kick around, call our Skype line at 678-389-9173 and leave your message. Click the little arrow below to play the podcast or right-click it to download, and hit the iTunes site linked below to subscribe. Follow us on Twitter at @jaybusbee to get more frequent updates. Have at it!

Devil Ball Golfcast, Episode 59 -- Of Kapalua, Pebble and naked golfers